Taking Back What's Mine

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Hours were spent inside the channel tunnel between France and England. Nothing but a bag of clothes and essentials on my back. All on my new motorcycle. I was tired by the time I made it halfway, but I kept going. The desire to see Kyle and hold Mailey in my arms kept me going.

I didn't know how I survived two whole weeks without seeing my daughter. I felt like a terrible mother, and I knew that I would never leave her behind again. But I hated myself now. If she were old enough to know what was going on, she would hate me. However, because of her being three months old and confused, I imagined she would still hate me. I couldn't help but picture her crying when I'm around and biting me every time I tried to touch her.

But I kept going, even though I was expecting the worst scenario. I thought of my husband and how he would react when we saw one another. Angry, overbearing, resentful for leaving him while he was asleep. Kyle had never been mad at me before, just sheltering to the point of smothering. That was the one thing he actually had in common with my family.

I held Mailey tight to my chest as I rocked her to sleep. She was restless, however, and refused to take the bottle I attempted to feed her.

"I know," I whispered to her. "You miss your Mumma, don't you? Yeah, Daddy knows."

She looked up at me with those sparkly brown eyes. I couldn't begin to think of what was going on in her head, but I knew the truth. She really needed Manda back. I needed Manda back. Both of us were lost without her.

Mailey made a sweet sound with her mouth. She was so beautiful, it almost hurt me to look at her so long. I bent my head down and kissed her face over and over.

"I love you Mailey. Don't worry. Mum will come home soon."

About thirty minutes away from home, and already the roads were getting more and more familiar. Finally I was no longer inside the channel tunnel, now on the wide range road. Though weak, lethargic, and thirsty, I only stopped when I needed more fuel. Which was now.

I pulled in at the first station I saw. As I placed my keys in my pocket, and walked inside. Before I went to the counter, I walked down the candy aisle and grabbed an arm full of chocolate and skittles. My life flashed before my eyes when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I spun around on shock, all the junk food falling to the floor. "Elliott??"

Curly dark hair, green eyes, and massive stock stood before me. There he was, just when I had given up on my search...

"Mandala," he said. "What are you doing so far away from home?"

"Meee?! What about you? What the hell have you been doing?"

"Personal stuff."

"Personal stuff? Dammit El, what do you mean? Everyone in the family has been worried sick about you!"

He chuckled. "Well then. Who does that sound like, Mrs. I-Got-Married- Want- Nothing- To -Do- With-You?"

"Very funny, asshole. What about your drug problem?"

"Come again?" he stared at me like I was the psyco.

"Leopold. Elliot. Queen. I know about your new pill addiction. The reason you left. Everyone's been talking about it."

"Manda, please. Do I look like I've been on drugs?"

I examined his appearance, and he was right. But how?"

"El, what have you been doing? I traveled all the way to France to track you down."

"And you failed because...?"

"Apparently I was deceived. Tell me, if you weren't running off because of drugs, then what the hell were you doing disappearing like that for months, and without any explanation?"

"That's my business."

That was the last straw. "You're unbelievable."

And then I was done with him. I paid for my stuff and filled my motorcycle with fuel. Then I was off.

Then came the longest half hour of my life. I was sick of it. Finally, I found myself coming upon the beautiful streets of London, magnificent as ever. I was overjoyed.

I then parked my bike in the driveway and turned it off. I pulled my house key out and unlocked the door. Immediately that familiar aroma filled my nose. Thank goodness.

The sound of a piano came from a distance. I followed it all the way to the top of the stairs. When I saw Kyle playing, I felt my heart pound. It was so overwhelming good to see his face again. Right next to him in the pink bassinet was Mailey, my beautiful baby. Neither one seemed to notice me.

I tiptoed around them, but Kyle immediately stopped playing, when the sound of keys banging down.

"Mans..." he stared in shock, slowly rising to his feet. "Mandala..."

"Hey Kyle." I slowly said, blood rushing to my face, tears forming inside my eyes.

He took two steps closer to me, then again to where he was close enough to touch me. He placed his right hand on my face, pulling me in and kissing me hard. I had forgotten how wonderful his lips tasted.

I pulled off/ finding myself crying. "I'm sorry Kyle. For everything."

I felt his tears drop onto my shoulders. "Don't be. You did what you needed to do."

"I did. And I got just about everything I was looking for."

"Um...Manda...what are you... wearing?"

His expression shifted when he looked downwards, examining my outfit. Tarnished mom jeans, much more distressed than my usual. My top and my shoes were solid black, and I had the Wolves' signature leather jacket on. Completely opposite from my usual T-shirts and button-up tops.

"Um...yeah...about that..." what was I going to tell him? That I'm sort of a gang member now?

"Are you..." he hesitated. "Are you one of them now?" He sounded almost repulsed.

"One of them? What on earth do you mean by that? It's my family."

He shook his hand. "No. Sorry. I can't tell you."

"Have you ever...met any of the wolves before, Kyle?"

"Nevermind, Manda. You made your choice. So what, should I be expecting you to just leave every other week for the rest of our lives?"

"No. Of course not Kyle. And I am one of them, meaning I'm related to them and have the jacket. That's all. Nothing else has changed."

I walked over and picked Mailey and held her in my arms. "Oh, how much I've missed you! Look at you, Mailey, you're so beautiful."

She smiled at me widely, making a high pitched noise that could've meant Mum! She didn't hate me, thank goodness. She was still my beautiful baby, I was right to leave her with Kyle.

"She's missed you, Mans." said Kyle, placing a hand on my shoulder from behind. "Rosie's watched her some, and my Mum has, but it has been the same for either of us."

I turned my face to his. "I'm so sorry, Kyle. Really."

He kissed me softly. "Don't worry Manda. We're together now."

I kissed him easily and rested my head against his chest. I started crying silently, realizing just how much I needed him.

"I just realized, Mans...your hair!" he said, and I pulled away a little bit.

He grabbed a piece of it with those long ringed pianist hands.

"Sorry, I had to. It would've gotten in the way had I not." suddenly I felt awkward.

"No it's not that it's just...I like it. You look amazing."

Crescent Moon (Kyle J Simmons)Where stories live. Discover now