Little Talks

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I didn't let out. I walked back to sit with Kyle and demanded some answers.

"Mans, you okay?"

"I'm fine Kyle. Really. Actually, I'm not. I want to know...did you have a rave while I was in France?"

He stared with a look in his eyes. "Yes, I did. It wasn't a very good idea."

"And Janna was there, wasn't she?"

I could almost hear his heart thundering in his chest. "Yes, she was. Mans, I really need to explain to you..."

"Don't Kyle. I heard the two of you kissed. Is it true?"

He hesitated. "She kissed me. Assaulted me, actually. I didn't want to hurt you by telling you."

I knew he was telling the truth. I may not have understood people well, but it was always different with Kyle. We had grown so close that it was almost as if we could each other's minds.

"Know what? I trust you, Kyle. And I actually don't care you didn't tell me. It just makes me want to hurt her even worse."

"Even worse than what?"

Oh no...

"Nothing."not worth talking about him.


Three Days Later

Kyle and I were laying together that night with Mailey in our arms that night. Andre had already gone back to France by that time. The baby was out main focus at the moment.

"You think she's ready for her first getaway?" Kyle asked.

"I don't know, at seven months old? It's hard to say." I said.

"I want to get out of here for a while, with just the two of you." he grabbed a piece of my hair, which I was keeping short.

"Well it's too bad she's too young to enjoy Disney World. I would love that."

"Yeah...we should give it another two or three years." He said.

"I'd like that." I smiled. "I've never been."

"You will love it, Mans." he teased my hair with those ringed fingers of his.

I kissed him gently. "I'm tired Kyle. You mind if I fall asleep now?"

"Of course not." he said. "Go to sleep. I'll be right here when you wake, and I promise you, I'll keep you safe. Both of you."

When I woke up, time felt like it had passed like nothing. He was still there, and my head was still resting on his chest. Our daughter remained swaddled in both of our arms, yet her eyes were wide open, staring boldly into mine.

"Hi, baby." I whispered, rubbing her dimpled cheeks with my pointer finger.

"H-h-hi-iii...Mummmmmaaa." she slowly said.

My heart sank. "Mailey...y-you just said 'Mumma'. You said 'Mumma'". I could already feel the tears coming. Odd that she said Mumma before Dadda, like most babies did. Kyle was going to be so pissed...

Suddenly I watched as his eyes popped open. He immediately sat up and stared in shock; first at her, then at me. And then back at her.

"Did I hear you talk, Mailey?"

She smiled slightly. Turning her face my way, she raised her hand and pointed at me. "Mumma."

I had mixed emotions. I was so proud of her, for she was proving to be a very intelligent human already. "So perfect. My baby angel."

She reached her arms out for me and I took her.

"Oh I see how it is." said Kyle.

"Don't be offended Ky." I said. "She does things her own way. Just like you. Besides, she looks just like you. I had to have something."

He reached forward and kissed her forehead. "Either way, I'm proud."

I sat up. "How do you feel about going out for breakfast? Right now."

"Sure. Why not."

"Great. Amy particular place?" I asked.

"How about Queen's. Your mum's diner. Not the bar, obviously."

I smiled. "Of course. It'll be nice to see my Mum."

"Wait, doesn't she run the bar full time?"

"No, she's at the dinner from six to one in the afternoon, and takes two hours break. Then she goes to the bar and takes over."

Crescent Moon (Kyle J Simmons)Where stories live. Discover now