Let's Get Lost

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It had been a little over a year since Kyle had proposed to me. Christmas came and went. Kyle and I had finished cleaning the house together. Mailey was sound asleep in her cot.

"Kyle, I need to talk to you about something," I said as well sat on the couch together.

"What? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, but I've been thinking for a long time now, and I want to travel to Paris."

"Paris?" he gave me a look. "But we went just a year ago."

"I know, and it was amazing, but there's something I must do."

"What's that?"

"Family." I answered.

"Y-your family?"

"Yes. I really want to find my father, and maybe even ask him to help me find my brother. He's still lost and on drugs, Kyle."

"You know what a danger that is." Kyle said. "I could never let you go, even if I went with you."

"I'm not a child, Kyle. I don't need to be sheltered. I got enough of that when I was living with my mother."

"But Manda, you're so fragile and vulnerable...I don't think it's a good idea."

"I need to go, Kyle. You know that."

"But what about Mailey? You're still feeding her."

I shook my head. "I'm trying to fully put her on a bottle. She's not going along with it easily, but it'll happen eventually."

"But you know I couldn't stay at home with her. I've got to leave in a few weeks. Believe me, if I could take her on the tour bus with me, I would. "

"Kyle, I don't know. I just know that this is something I need to do."

He carefully wrapped his arms around me. "Take your time, Mandie. Think about it."

"I've been thinking about it for months." I replied.

"But you're my wife, and it's my job to take care of you."

I walked around the hallways of the highschool as I made my way to my next class. I often got scared when I was alone, for one particular reason...

"That's a nice necklace you have there," I heard a voice that gave me chills.

I turned around and I saw two boys behind, both were two years above me.

"Not to mention that bracelet," said the other guy. "My girlfriend would love that."

He reached over and grabbed my wrist, causing me to drop my bag. All the books and other things spilled out. He yanked off my jeweled bracelet.

The other boy bent down and started picking out from the pile of my stuff on the floor. "What's this?" He picked up my cell phone.

"Give it back, Michael!" I said.

"Not a chance. Is this a sketch pad?" He picked up a few other things, including my hidden art stuff.

I tried to kick him, but his friend Laurence grabbed my arms and held me back.

"Let me go!"

"Let her go," I heard a familiar voice.

Behind the two boys was my friend Kyle. Kyle Simmons. Tall figure, gorgeous dimpled face, beautiful brown eyes.

"I said let her go." He said to them.

"If I do recall, Kyle," said Michael. "You owe me a favor."

Crescent Moon (Kyle J Simmons)Where stories live. Discover now