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A/N: I keep having these weird dreams about Bird Box. Oh well😵. It's a good film though.


I had taken my jacket off and placed it on my side of our bed. Something told me that Kyle wasn't too happy with my decision to take it, although he would never tell me why. He just kept saying that "It's just a part of my past that I never wanted to think about again. It's bad enough now that you have a motorcycle and that forsaken jacket."

So I tried to catch him to say something, just one thing.

"Were you one of them? Were you thinking about being one of them? Did they do something bad to you or someone you care about?"

"That's enough. You've put me through enough hell these past few weeks. I don't think I can take anymore."

"Whatever Kyle." I said sitting down on the couch next to him. "Considering I left for only two weeks, while you leave for ranges of three months, multiple times a year."

"It's different." he said. "Because I'm safe at all times when I'm gone. There's security everywhere around me, but there was nothing to protect you."

"But I got home safe, just when I said I would." I said, taking the baby out of his hands and holding her close. "I missed those chubby little cheeks and those dimples! I have to make up for those days I didn't get to kiss you all over!"

I lifted Mailey to where her face was level with mine, and I attacked her beautiful face with kisses. It felt so good to be doing that again. I thought of that night back when I was pregnant with her and I woke in terror after having dreamed of losing her. The way Kyle held me and assured me that he would always protect her no matter what. Needless to say, he kept his word, perfectly.

While smoothing my hand over her head, it was in that moment where I noticed something different. Her hair wasn't as dark as it was when I left. It was now almost lighter than mine.

"Kyle, her hair is..." I couldn't find the right word.

"Going blonde, yes." he said. "It's a family thing. My sister and I both were born with dark hair, which turned blonde when we grew. It'll be like that until she gets around four or five. Then it'll turn out like mine."

I looked at her beautiful brush of hair, once a dark chestnut, now a medium honey brown. I would miss it the way it was, but I found it breathtaking. I thought of Dan's baby Abel, who's hair was dark when she was born but grew to be a lighter shade of brown than Dan's or Rosie's.

Time started to fly by. The next couple of months were exhausting, between going back to work and Bastille leaving for tour again. I hated being without Kyle, and so did Mailey, now four months old. She was growing so fast already, and her hair was now a caramel blonde.

I kept in contact with the Wolves, one way and others. My father and I emailed one another at least once every two weeks, Philippe Skyped us, Clarisse called on the phone, and Andre did all of the above and more. As of my other side of family, I casually communicated with them as well as I could. My spin with my deceptive oldest brother enraged me beyond measure.

Then finally, it was March now, and everyone came home and got together for Abel's first birthday. Dan and Rosie looked like the happiest people alive as they gave their daughter her little smash cake. The only problem was that Abel had never seen a cake before, and had no idea what to do with the blue one she was given.

"Stick your finger in it!" yelled Adley as he walked next to her high chair.

"Look Abel." said Rosie. "It's sweet! And you get to eat it all by yourself."

The baby's ocean blue eyes lit up as her mum took a small piece of frosting and fed it to her. She squeaked and then smashed the thing open. Everyone laughed.

I felt Kyle wrap his arm around me as I held Mailey. He kissed my forehead and I got as close to him as possible.

"This will be Mailey soon, you know." he whispered.

"Don't mention it." I said. "She is still our little infant."

He laughed slightly. "Whatever you say, Wolfie."

I ignored that last remark. Mailey made a noise with her mouth and reach out for him. Kyle took her into his arms and carried her over to join Woody and his youngest. I felt two little hands tugging on my fingers.

I looked down and saw both 3 year old boys; Dan's son, and Woody's son. Those two were never separate when they were around each other.

"There's my two favorite little boys." I smiled, looking down at them. "I've missed you two.

Both reached out, knowing what happens every time they ask me to hold them. I lowered down and picked both boys up, unaffected by the extreme weight I was lifting. They made me remember how much I wanted to have a boy when I found out I was pregnant with Mailey.

I thought of that insulting nickname Kyle had given me just a few moments before. Wolfie? What the bloody hell, Kyle? He had something against the choice I had made a few months back, and I still didn't know what. At least that day I left the jacket at home, but it didn't change the fact that it was a part of who I was now.

"Is he bothering you?" I heard Rosie's voice from behind me, talking about Adley.

"No, of course not." I said. "He's a total sweetheart, just like his parents."

"He really loves you." she said. "How's Mailey been? I couldn't help but notice she's legally blonde now."

I laughed. "Yeah, it runs in Kyle's family."

"She's a beautiful baby." she said, turning her head over to see Kyle across the room holding my daughter.

When we got home, Kyle was quiet, although he didn't appear to be in a bad mood. I was quiet too, since I didn't know what to say. I wanted to know what was going inside that gorgeous head of his.

"Do you want to give Mailey a bath with me?" I asked him.

"Of course I do." he said. "Are we going to put her to bed after?"

"Yes, of course. Why?"

"I've got some ideas." he said.

I smiled, tracing my fingers in his moustache and kissing his lips softly.

When I put the baby's clothes on her, I carried her to her crib as Kyle started singing to her, the same song he had been singing since she was only a few days old. Mailey shortly fell asleep, and the two of us rushed into the bedroom.

"Are you sure about this, Mans?" he asked. "It's been a while since-"

"I'm sure." I pulled him close.

A/N: Fun Fact, Manda was inspired by Clary Fray (from Shadowhunters) Jane Porter (Tarzan), and Hope Van Dyne (from Ant Man).

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