Telephone Booth

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9th day in Paris.

It rang over and over. No answer. Not Kyle's cell, not the home phone. I tried a numerous amount of times, but Kyle seemed to be too busy.

Perhaps he was angry with me. Just the thought of it made me hate myself. I wished he understood. As much as I wanted to go back home to him and my daughter, my work in France wasn't done.

You've reached Simmons residence, please leave a message. It said that for the 30th time in a row.

"Um...hello Kyle. It's Manda. I just wanted to hear your voice, but you', probably busy so...I just want to tell you how much I miss you and I really want to come back to London. I've met my father as soon as I arrived, but I'm still looking for my brother. Um..."

There were several silent moments. I wanted to cry, and that's exactly what I did. I felt tears running down my face. I resisted.

"I'm not going to lie, I feel like you're ignoring me. I know I left you with the baby without even telling you, but I had no other choice. You would've never let me go through with it. I love you with ALL my heart, but I can't help myself when someone needs help and I'm the only person who's willing to. I may be naive and stubborn, but it's who I am, and it's my family that is in trouble right now."

I held the telephone to my chest as I fought the urge to cry a river. My face was getting sore from resisting so much. I couldn't take it anymore. I missed my baby, and I missed my sunlight.

My Sunlight...

"I guess I'm going to hang up now. I hope you actually listen to this message. I...I love you, Kyle. Goodbye."

I miss her...

I miss her...

I miss her more...

I lied there in bed by myself, which was something I wasn't used to. Normally for the past several years, I always had someone in the bed next to me while I was home. It was different when I was touring with the rest of the band, but home- I couldn't stand being without her.

That was when I had the crazy idea to take Mailey out of her bassinet and hold her close as I tried to sleep. But now I didn't want to, because all I wanted was to stare at the newborn. Yes, she may have looked more like me, and it was difficult to see Manda in her; but Mailey spent over 9 months inside of her. I had a piece of my wife with me.

Though she was asleep in my arms, I carefully stroked her little cheeks, the cheeks she took from her mum. I couldn't understand all my emotions I had for someone I had only just met three months ago. I knew that I would never let my daughter take off without me. While I couldn't shelter my 28 year old wife, I would always have a strong guard over Mailey.

"Philippe, I know I've only been here for a week, but I need your help."

"Anything, Mandala. What can I do for you?"

"Teach me how to fight."

His eyes popped. "What? Why?"

"Because I'm tired of people thinking I'm weak. I'm tired of being weak."

He shrugged. "Alright. Whatever. Are you ready now?"

"Yes." I said.

"Alright. Brace yourself, first and foremost. Tighten your muscles, but don't clinch your fists too tight."

I did what he said.

"Now, I will go easy on you, since you are a woman."

"Pfft. As if." I said. "Hit me as hard as possible. I can take it."

"Oh well. Whatever you say."

"I've been nearly beaten to death, Philippe. I can take the hits, but I'm ready to start giving them."

He swung his arm at me. I flinched.

"Rule number one. Don't flinch. If I hit you, come back and hit harder."

I nodded. "Great."

Cinnamon roll...

That was what I was...

When Manda's message finished, I was already loathing myself for missing her. I couldn't track the call back since she used a pay phone.

I don't know what gave me the idea, but I called her old phone. Something in me told me that she had it with her. I dialed and surprisingly got an answer.

"Kyle?" It was the best feeling to finally hear her voice.

"Mandie...Mandie. Hi. It's so good to hear your voice."

"Oh Kyle, it's great to hear yours too. I miss you so much. So so much."

"I got your message. I'm so sorry I didn't answer you. I swear I wasn't ignoring you. I love you and I miss you. And I'm ready to see you again."

"I want to come home Kyle. I do."

"Then come home, Mans. I need you. It's been hard without you."


"I can't stand being away from you. It's unbearable."

"How's Mailey?"

"She's fine. She's asleep in my arms right now, but it's not the same without you."

"Oh Kyle, I miss both of you."

"Please come back."

"I will. Soon."

"How soon? Have you heard anything about your brother?"

"No. I'm ready to give up."

"Maybe you should." I said. "I can't take this anymore."

"I love you, Kyle. I'll see you soon. Don't worry."

"Manda..." I said, but she was gone.

It's only a few more days...
Only a few more days...

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