You Make 30 Look Exciting

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I smiled with pure joy as I held the little ultrasound picture in my hand. It wasn't but two hours earlier when I was given two copies. Kyle and I would keep one with us, and he planned on giving the other to his parents as a way of telling them.

It was early February, Kyle's 30th birthday. He was out celebrating with some of his friends, while I was still busy at work that I couldn't get out of. To make matters even more "exciting", my classes had been rescheduled to 6:00 to 8:00, so I would have to be there as soon as I got off work. I guess I was destined not to be with my fiance on his big day. I had to give him his present first thing in the morning. He understood however.

Earlier than day, he had sent me a beautiful bundle of sunflowers, my favorites, along with a sweet letter.

Don't worry, Mans
You're with me in spirit. I already miss you like crazy. Have an amazing work day and I wish you the best on that test you have. I love you!

I was so lucky to be engaged to him. Even after two years and three months, I was still in shock that I was finally with my highschool crush. Kyle still made my heart rock like a hurricane.

Finally, my shift ended, and I clocked out. I got into my car and headed out to get some coffee before I had to go to the community college. While I was waiting, a saw an extremely familiar face. My sister, Leah.

"I thought I saw your face." she said, hugging me.

"I've missed you, L." I said.

"Mum told me that you recently got engaged."

I nodded. "Yeah, we've officially went up a level."

She smiled. "Congratulations, Manda. You two seem like a very good match. Not to mention the way he looks at you."

"We're planning on having the wedding in April." I said. "When it's warmer and all."

"What kind of dress do you want to get?"

"I don't know. Something that's not too tight."

"You know you would look so good in something strapless. Your arms aren't bony, but they're not too full either. Plus you have a gorgeous skin tone."

I nodded, smiling. "I don't know, maybe." Hopefully I still won't be showing too much.

"I'll let you go then," she said. "I'd hate to see you late to your class."

"Bye, Leah." I said.

I drove off to the community college and got ready. I spent the next two hours focusing on my notes, all leading up to the test during my final class. It was actually easier than I expected.

Finally, I was free to go home. I couldn't wait to see Kyle. Every moment we were apart, I missed him so much it hurt.

Pulling into the driveway, I stopped my car and got out. Kyle's black car was already there. I could only hope that he wasn't drunk, or even just asleep. I unlocked the door and pulled my coat off.

"Mans!" I saw Kyle jump up off the couch as he ran to me. "I've missed you so much!"

He wrapped his arms around me, careful not to squeeze the baby. His lips immediately crashed into mine, and they felt so warm and soothing like always. When he pulled away, I felt his hand traveling down to my bump, caressing it gently. He slowly bent down and kissed it.

"And I've missed you too!" he said. "I can't wait to see you again. All we have is that one little picture."

"Did you give your parents their copy yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did. They were both so happy and emotional. We're giving them their very first grandchild. Mum was in tears."

"I'm glad." I responded, my finger teasing his moustache. "I never worry about your family. They're all very easygoing and good people. Mine on the other hand-"

"It's alright, baby." He said, holding me closer. "We'll figure it out."

"So," I started. "Boy or girl, what do you think?"

"Either. I'm not sure what I would even prefer. I'll love it the same no matter what."

"I keep picturing a boy," I confessed. "I  don't know why. I guess because I really want a mini Kyle to hold while you're away."

He laughed. "Maybe. But it doesn't really matter to me."

"I agree." I said. "Happy Birthday Kyle. You make thirty look exciting."


"I really like this idea for our reception, Mans. What do you think?" Kyle asked me as we walked together in an empty building.

It wasn't much to look at. It was empty and had little detail, but I liked it. Nothing that couldn't be made into something beautiful.

I smiled. "Yes, this is the one. I want this one."

"Great. I was hoping you'd say that. Not many people get married in buildings like this. Most weddings I've been to have been outside."

"I wouldn't want it outside anyways."

"So we're getting married here?" he asked, eyes lit.

"As long as you want to." I said.

"Of course I do! I can't wait to show my Mum. She'll love it."

I started walking around, suddenly getting ideas. I pointed at the center of the room. "Aisle here?"

"I should hope so," He said. "And the altar over there..."

"Yes!" I said. "And we need to get a bunch of decent looking chairs."

I felt his arms wrap around me. "I'm so ready for this. If only April would come sooner."

"It's only a month and a half away. And besides, I'm already yours, and we're going to have a baby in the fall."

"That's the most exciting part." he said. "I just want to hold it so bad."

"We will, Kyle." I said.

Crescent Moon (Kyle J Simmons)Where stories live. Discover now