Window has Opened

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The hour has begun
Your eyes have now opened
It's a world where madness craves
It's a world where hope's enslaved
Or I'll tremble for my love, always
-Collective Soul

"That's a weird looking watch." a child's voice came up from behind me.

I turned my head and my eyes fixed on a young boy, probably around 11 or 12, with golden blonde hair and hazel eyes. He looked well advanced, but also very mischievous. There was something slightly familiar

"You think it looks weird?" I asked.

"Well, a little bit. Does it have a calculator in it?"

I laughed. "Actually yes. It does."

"Cool." he said, running his hand in his hair. "I'm Alec. Alec Queen. I feel like I've seen you before."

"Dan." I replied. "You said your last name is Queen, is it?"


"Do you have an aunt?"

"Oh yes! Two, actually. Leah and Manda."

"You're Manda's nephew?"

"Yes. You know my aunt?"

"I do. She's my friend's wife."

"Oh, Kyle? He's pretty cool. But I've only met him a few times."

"Thanks for holding my hand, Kyle." said Janna when they finished stitching her up.

"It was the least I could do." I said. "After all, it was my gardening tool that hurt you."

She put her hand on my shoulder. For two minutes straight all she did was stare into my eyes, expressionless. Those sharp blues cut right into my soul, and I immediately pulled away from her. In the moment, I thought of Mandala's angelic greens, and then they faded as fast as they had appeared. The two women were polar opposites; while one was tough and shameless, the other was soft and had the most complicated mind. The one thing thing they had in common was me. Both had taken my heart at some point, although Manda had it first and last.

"Janna," I started.

"Don't make this hard, Kyle." she whispered.

"What's hard about it?"

"I see what you're trying to do." I said. "Don't try and deny it."

She laughed, the same wicked laugh from always. Nothing about her had changed at all...

"You're right Kyle. You are absolutely right. You were always mine, and I was always yours."

"No. Mandala is mine. She is my wife, and the mother of my child."

She placed a hand on the side of my face. "No Kyle. She is merely a distraction. She took you away from me, and now I've got you back."

"You split your hand on purpose, didn't you?"

She smiled, shrugging. "Does it really matter?"

"You could have bled to death."

"But I didn't. Your husband skills got me here in time."

"We're friends." I said. "I'll be there for you when you need me, but I am married and committed to someone I love deeply. How can you expect me to ever-"

The next thing I know, her lips were smacked into mine. I couldn't breathe, and my guts dropped. I immediately jerked away.


Crescent Moon (Kyle J Simmons)Where stories live. Discover now