Taking My Time on my Ride

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You've left me no choice. I'm going to find them. You and Mailey have to stay home. Take care of her, she loves you. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I will call you as soon as I get situated. Don't waste your time looking for me or trying to call my phone with the tracker. Spend time with our daughter. I love you more than anything.

Love, Manda❤

I made my way into the room I used for art. That's when I made the spur in the moment decision to chop off my hair for convenience. The thick, wavy curtain defended to the floor. What was left came right at my shoulders. I also took a paint scapel to take my nails off with.

I left at midnight. I wasn't worried, because my baby was in good hands. Even when Kyle would leave, there were people I had spoken to in advance. There were two things I had to do before I vanished completely. I got in my yellow KIA and drove off to the parking garage where I was meeting Garrett.

When I got there, he was standing outside next to a red mustang from the dealership we co-owned. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. "All yours, Manda."


"Be careful." he said. "If your sister or Susan find out that I helped you, I'm screwed."

"They won't know." I said. "Just leave the car here. I'm leaving my phone in the glove compartment."


"Because Kyle has a tracker in it for situations like this. I'm using my old phone."

"Good luck finding your father." he said.


My next stop was Dan's house. I knew I could count on him to keep my secret, and to watch out for my family. Dan was Kyle's best friend, but he also understood sacrifices and protection.

I rang the doorbell.

"Manda, are you alright?" asked Dan as he opened the front door.

"I'm fine, but I really need to talk with you. I need your help."

He pulled me inside the house and left me to the living room. He turned on the lamp and insisted I sit down.

"What is it?"

"I'm leaving London for a little while. Both Kyle and Mailey are staying behind."

His jaw dropped. "You're leaving him?!"

"No, I'm not. I sort of have a mission trip, and it's a little dangerous. Kyle is very uptight about it. He didn't want me to go, so I snuck out. I left my phone in my car so he can't track me down."

"So how does this involve me?"

"I need you to watch after him and the baby. Please, Dan, don't tell him anything I've told you. Another thing is please, don't let him follow me."

"Alright. You have my word." He said. "But if you don't mind my asking, where are you going?"

"Paris. Supposedly that's where I was born, and that's where my father is. I need to find him. I hear he's in some kind of trouble."


I nodded.

"Well in that case, wait here." He got up and went up the stairs.

I was quick to make it up the stairs to my bedroom. I opened the door to see Rosie sound asleep, snuggled up against our little boy. So beautiful...

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