Let Me Hear You Say Something

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It's ALMOST a special someone's BIIRRTHDAAAYY.
Guess who! Guess who!

"I was at UNI when it all started." Kyle said as he sat across from me on the couch. "I was probably at my dumbest and most reckless stage of my whole life, and being surrounded by all my friends and the fraternities only fed me in my wide range. I wasn't but nineteen going on twenty."

So far, he wasn't troubled. I had told him that he didn't have to tell me his secret if he were absolutely uncomfortable to, but he did.

"Long story short, things were summoned. An old motorcycle gang from the sixties, brought back to life. I can't remember exactly who's idea it was, however."

My heart skipped a beat. "What did you say?"

He slowly nodded. "Yeah. The Midnight Lions, that's what they- we- were called. Originated from the sixties, died for the first time in the early eighties. Of course, my parents were fully against me being one when they found out, and believe me, I did everything I could to keep them from finding out, but they did."

"Why were they against it?"

He swallowed hard. "Because they were acquainted with the Tyree Wolves in France. Part of them even, although I was clueless of it at the time, I thought they just disapproved of my choice."

"Your parents were...Wolves?" I didn't know why I found that surprising, given it was Kyle's mother that had told me the truth about my family's history. She had told me she knew my mother and father as friends, but she didn't hint the possibility of being one of them.

"They were." Kyle said. "Long ago. But I didn't know or even have any idea. Dan was kind of a wolf too, but he wasn't with them long. He barely passed initiation. Chaos spread, and people got hurt. Accidents happened, laws were broken, and I wasn't the most innocent either. I was wild and had no boundaries, just like the rest. There was even a time when I was second in command."

"Then what happened?"

"Apparently the Wolves found out, because a few of them came and talked to us. They were the more mature ones, but all of the Lions rejected their interference. So we ignored them...time and time again. But they kept trying to take matters into their own hands. They were right to do so, but I was blind to it, and so were the rest."

"Kyle...what happened exactly?"

"Outbreak. Hell raising. The Lions took matters into their own hands and things got ugly. Fights. Ambush. Buildings burned."

Shit. Buildings were burned?

"Kyle, when you say building were burned, who's behalf are you-"

"Theirs. We burned theirs. Almost killed some Wolves. Most of their property was completely destroyed. I had mad guilt, but I held my tounge. Dan had left the wolves and tried to reason with out side. That was when I finally gave in and left. Not long after that, the Lions faded out."

"Faded out?"

"They- we- made a deal with the Wolves, in order to keep out of serving prison time. They could've pressed charges and turned everything last one of us over to the authorities, but the better option was to just disappear completely. Try to live different lives. And I have."

"So there's no one left anymore, right?" I couldn't find the right words.

"Exactly. The Lions are no more. I burned everything that reminded me of it. It was over a decade ago."

I took it all in. At this point, nothing surprised me anymore. I was good with weird things, and I wouldn't let this change the way I thought. For all I knew before, my family had done something hurtful to him or someone he cared for. That was far from it, apparently.

"Kyle, I'm glad you told me; everything. I know it wasn't easy for you, so I can't imagine how important it was for you to keep it from me."

"I didn't want you to know because I will never be proud of it. I didn't want Mailey to ever know, but I guess both of her parents have secrets in life that are just too big to hide."

"She doesn't have to find out any time soon. I'll never lie to her, though, and I don't expect you to lie either. But my choices are about to be eliminated just like yours."

"I don't understand, Mandie."

I stood up, holding my hand out as he took it. Together we stood, him following me across the hall. I then picked up my wolf jacket. "This is about to be a pile of ashes, Kyle."


"I love you too much to remind you of any of the bad stuff, so I'm destroying my part in it. Consider it and early present for our first anniversary."

"That's like a month away, first of all. Secondly, Mans, I don't want you to burn your family heirloom. It's all you have from your father here."

"But it's not worth it if it tortures you mentally. You mean everything to me."

His place his right hand on the side of my face. "Mans, don't destroy it. I can live with it. Besides, you look extra hot in leather."

I laughed. "Don't know if I can agree with that last part, but as long as you don't feel uncomfortable, I'll keep it."


"But it's going in the closet for now. I'm going to look for a new job. A better one."

He bent down slightly on kissed the top of my head. "Look at you, making all these breathtaking decisions. I don't know if I can keep up much longer."

I silently smiled. "They're all for you, Kyle. Always."

He pressed his lips against mine. "Always, Mandie."

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