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Everything that kills me makes me feel alive.

Two days had passed since I asked Philippe to teach me to fight. I was sore and nearly knocked out, but I had never felt more alive. I had been given several bruises, mostly on the legs and waist, but they felt good. They meant I was pushing myself to my limits.

Ever since the other day when Kyle contacted me through the phone I had been carrying, he wouldn't stop calling or texting. I was glad to have him back that way, but it was literally every five minutes.

Kyle: Are you being safe?

Me: Yes I am. Always.

Kyle: Then what are you doing right now?

Me: It's complicated.

Kyle: You're coming home tomorrow right?

Me: So long as everything goes as planned, yes.

"Who is that you are texting?" asked Andre as he sat down beside me.

"My husband."

"Oh yes." he said. "I must say, it eez going to hurt when you leave us tomorrow."

"I'll come back and visit." I said to him. "And you should come to London sometime. You should meet our sister Leah."

"Well I would be delighted to visit you, Mandala." said Clarisse as she came up from behind us. Her red hair was let down loose, flawless in the sun.

Mailey would love her, I thought.

"Of course," I said. "All of you should plan on it. My daughter would love to meet everyone."

While Stephen was out with the rest of the wolves on a motorcycle race, I had stayed back with my stepmother and half brothers. It was a wise choice, considering how amazing they all were.

"Mandala," I heard Philippe's voice. "It's time for another fight lesson."

"Great. I've been looking forward to this all day."

"Well today we're doing things a little differently. You're going to fight Andre."

I jumped. "What? No. I can't."

"Why not? You're strong and hit well. You hit me pretty hard. Now it's time to practice on him."

Andre stood up. "He's right, Manda. Come on."

I shook my head. "I can't. I can't, and I won't."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because he's kind and soft and..."

"Exactly what you DON'T want to hurt." said Philippe. "Just like you. But he's tough as nails, Manda."

"It's true." said Andre. "I've taken gigantic thugs all on my own. I'm stronger than you think. And you won't hurt me."

He rolled up his sleeve, revealing a gorgeous tattoo of a wolf on his right arm. It was breathtaking.

"Woah." I turned to Philippe. "It looks just like yours."

While fighting me, I had seen a similar ink job on his left arm. I assumed it was just his...

"Yeah. All the Wolves do." he said.

"Even I." said Clarisse, lifting up one of her pants legs.

"Wow," I said. "They're...beautiful."

"When you join, you don't just get the motorcycle we fixed up or the leather. You give the oath, then you get the tattoo."

"And once you're in," said Philippe. "You're in, and you're protected for life."

Crescent Moon (Kyle J Simmons)Where stories live. Discover now