Private Concert

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*Nia's p.o.v *

Dia, Harriet and I were backstage waiting to meet the boys.. Harriet could barely stay still, she was pacing back and forth, coming up with a series of "what ifs".

"what if I faint?!" Harriet said

"you probably will" Dia said

"What if Harry likes me?" Harriet went on

"He might" Dia said

Harriet breathed heavily

"Guuuuyyyyyssssss !! " Harriet yelled

"yes?" Dia and I said

"I cant do this,... I won't be able to talk or...."

Just then Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Niall walked in. I gasped,.. Dia waved and smiled, and there was a THUD

I turned around and realized Harriet was laying on the floor....

Harry rushed to her.. "what happened?" he asked

"well obviously she fainted" , Dia said

"Harry you watch, uhh umm " Liam said

"Harriet," I finished

"Zayn you take the other two girls in the coffee room and ill go get someone."

Zayn asked us to follow him, Dia said "okay" not having any problem at all with leaving Harriet.. I sighed and followed Zayn.

*Harriet's p.o.v *

it was dark and my head hurt all over.. I tried to open my eyes but the first time it didn't work...

"Come on Harriet," I heard a familiar voice say

I felt someone squeeze my hand, to comfort me... finnally I opened my eyes, at first everything was blurry .. but then my vision cleared and I could see the room I was in a bit better. Next to me on the right side of my bed was Harry Styles ... and on the left was Dia and Nia..

"she's finnally awake" , Dia said

"you were out for a couple of hours," Nia said

"wha-what happened" .. I asked

"well...". Dia said, "you saw Harry and the rest of the boys and you went down... I didn't yell timber"

"that was the worst joke you could've ever told" Nia said

Dia shrugged...

"Anywaayyyssssss... how was the concert? "I asked

Nia and Dia looked at eachother. .

"we didn't watch it..." They said

"why?" I asked

"well cause... " Dia looked at Harry.

"Me and the lads.." Harry said.. "are giving you a private concert. "

I let this settle in,... not only was Harry sitting next to me, holding my hand... but I was gonna get a private concert!!!!!

I tried my hardest not to scream,.. but it didnt work.


Harry: "yeah " O.O


"your welcome" harry said chuckling. ..

"how long do I have to stay in this bed? "I asked

"till The doctor says you can go! "Dia said

Harriet: :p


we were driving to Harry's apartment where the private concert was gonna take place. We had been in the car for hours and I was getting tired.

Liam looked back from the drivers seat... "Harriet are you awake?"

"barely" I replied

"we're almost there" he said

"okay. "

after two long hours of driving we finnally reached the apartment everyone piled out of the van.. and we all headed inside.
Inside the house everything was pretty neat, besides a couple of socks laying on the floor.

Zayn showed us were the couches where, and Dia, Nia and I all sat down...

Dia yawned... and stretched.. "well this didn't go as I expected" she said.

I shrugged,.. "at least we get a private concert and no one else does.."

"true," Nia aggreed.

We waited and the boys sang a couple of songs for us such as: little black dress, you and I, Midnight memories and a couple of others.. by the time they were done, Harriet was asleep, Nia was half asleep.. and Louis was having a conversation with Dia..

"Maybe they can just sleep there?" Harry said

"I guess so.. " Liam agreed.

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