A break

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*Dia's P.o.v*

After Nia brought my food and left I walked towards Dana. He was sitting on the couch he hadn't left for like 3 hours, his eyes were blood shot red and he looked like he was staring off into space. I walked over to him it took a while to actually bring him back to reality.

"Dana... " I said



He shook his head and rubbed his eyes, then looked at me.

"Yeah.? " His voice was dry and raspy

"We need to walk around and go outside. "

He took another glance at Will .. "I don't want to."

"Dana! Look at yourself! Your tired and worried. You need to get some fresh air!"

"But.. "

"Will would want you to. "

He sighed and slowly got up. "Okay.. Just let me take a shower. "

"Okay. "

After Dana showered and got cleaned up we told the others that we were going out and walked out of the room. Dana and I walked towards the park, were we met. He sat on the swings, I did the same.

We swung for awhile not saying anything, to much was going on and we needed to calm our thoughts.

"What is happening?" Dana asked suddenly

"What do you mean? "

"I mean... Will. How did this happen? "

"Well... I talked to the doctor and Aparently Will hit his head really hard and was dehydrated at the time. But I don't know how that happened. "

Dana sighed .. "Let's think happy thoughts" he said

"Okay... What do you like most about everyone in the band? "

"Well... Will is just Akward and loud, very loud "

I laughed.

"Cole is my best friend he's always there for me.. Not that the others aren't... Gabe well he's Batman ... David is just funny. What about your friends? "

I sighed and smiled "well.. Harriet is funny and sweet, she's always the first one to agree to do something crazy and stupid with me and Nia she's my lean on friend not to mention she's super funny and sarcastic. "

Dana laughed.

I haven't heard him laugh for awhile and it was nice hearing it again.

*Dana's p.o.v*

Dia went on and on about how her friends are crazy and always there for her when she needs them. I loved how her eyes brightened as she talked about her dreams and wishes, she had the cutest laugh even though she hates it.


"Yeah?" I said looking at her

"Do you want to come to my house. "

"Sure "

"Okay "

We both walked to her house and she opened the door.

"WHAT THE HEC!?" Dia shouted

"That's.... A lot of pink. " I stated following Dia inside

"HARRIET!! " she screamed

I looked around as Dia searched the house "I can't find them. "

"Maybe their out? " I sub jested

"Maybe.... " She whipped out her phone and started dialing a number.

I walked around in the kitchen as she talked on the phone. Pink sparkles were everywhere not to mention everything was stained.

"DANA!! "

"Yeah" I yelled speeding towards Dia

"Well ... Do you mind if we walk to Harry's house that's where my friends are. "

"No I don't mind. "

"Okay. "

We took Harriet's pink car and drove to Harry's house.

I knocked on the door and Harry welcomed us in. Dia ran towards Nia and Harriet and they chatted away I kind of just stood awkwardly looking around until I heard Dia call my name.
"OH!" Dia said "Dana come sit with us"

The rest of the day we exchanged stories and got to know Each other.... The whole time I forgot about Will and the coma. Untill we all had to leave, I tagged along with Dia and the girls and we talked all night, one by one they went to sleep Harriet was the first to go to bed, SAM next while Dia laid next to me. I could tell she was drifting off to sleep because Every time she spoke her voice got quieter and quieter. I felt her head lean on my shoulder and I knew she was out. I kissed her head and drifted off to sleep.

*Nia's P.o.v.*

I woke up and walked downstairs Dia and Dana were on the couch sleeping it looked like they were cuddling and they both had a small smile on their face it was too adorable not to take a picture, I then posted the pic on my Facebook and made myself a waffle. Soon everyone was up and Dana was telling us all about how Will and his Nutella were bffs we laughed till our cheeks hurt.

I got a txt from Niall saying he was coming over.

I replied with okay and asked him to bring Harry.

Suddenly I heard Harriet whining.

"There doing it again!!!" Harriet whined

I walked towards Harriet she was pointing at Dia and Dana who were kissing passionately.

"GET A ROOM!" I yelled picking up a pillow and throwing it at them.

They broke apart. "Sorry" Dia mumbled

I laughed and Harriet made a disgusted look on her face.

"DOES ANYONE WANT COFFEE!" I yelled from the kitchen.

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