We found love.. at Mcdonalds

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*Niall's p.o.v*

I could really go for a burger right now I thought. But of course we had to stay in this stupid hospital because I yelled at Nia, this was all my fault. Well .... Half of this, I stared at the clock across the room. It read 11:30 almost 12:00..... I yawned, and looked at Nia she had tears in her eyes.

I hugged her and told her that Cole would be alright, all she did was look up at me and attempt a small smile but failed to do so. I looked up at the clock again 11:31 , I groaned louder this time.

"What's wrong?" Nia asked me

"I'm bored" I said just as someone yelled

"WHAT THE HEC IS GOING ON!?" I snapped my head towards Harriet and watched as Harry got up and they made their way out of the hospital.

" hey .. How about You & I walk to mcdonalds or something and we can get a burger" I whispered in my girlfriends ear

This time I saw her dazzling smile "of course Niall" she said

I eagerly got up and ran out the door, Nia trailing behind me.


I heard Nia's adorable laugh as she caught up with me.

"So which way?" She asked

"Uh that way" I said pointing to my left

"Wrong " Nia said heading the other way until a McDonald's came into sight.

We strutted inside and ordered a mc double and a flurry.

When we arrived at our table with food, I decided to start a conversation to get our minds off the situation at hand.


"Yes" she said looking up and taking a sip of the flurry she ordered

"I've been thinking " I began

"About what?"

"...... Our future" I burst out

I saw her eyes go wide and then she blushed madly.

"..r- really" she stuttered

"Yeah, I was thinking that maybe after all the back to back tours and chaos that's going on now, that you & I can settle down in a house.. Big enough for the both of us"

"R - really" she said again

I chuckled "yes love" I said lifting her face with one hand and kidding her gently in the lips

"NO PDA!" I heard someone yell behind me, it was Liam.

Nia laughed nervously "oops" she said

I blushed

"Why are you hear?" I asked Liam

"To get you guys" he said "Cole is awake"

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