A Date?

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*Nia's p.o.v*

There was a knock at the front door and Harriet ran to get it after that I heard a lot of jumping and screaming.

"Harriet must be telling them about her room"- I said to Dia as she walked down the steps.

I walked back to my room, the walls were painted turquoise I had a white and turquoise bed there even was a ocean scene and starfish on my wall. It was completely beautiful. I loved everything about my new room, and somehow it also looked bigger.

I heard shuffling down the halls as I walked out of my room, I walked towards Harriet's room to see Harry and Harriet having a tea party, wearing princess crowns and dresses.

"Ummmmm "

"Yes?" Harriet said

"What are you doing? "

"Having a tea party duhhhhh" Harry chuckled and smiled at me.

"Are you gonna go orrrr?" Harriet asked

"Okay okay I'm leaving I'm leaving" I said walking out of her room and down to the living room. There sat the rest of the boys, Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, And Dana.

Dia was sitting on Dana's lap ... As usual. Liam was talking to Zayn, Louis was playing with glass... Not a wise idea and Niall was sitting on the floor..... eating MY Sandwich.


"Yessssssss " He said mimicking

"You're eating my food"

"Oh..., sorry love, do you want some?" he asked lifting the sandwich towards me.

"No thank you " I said laughing

For a few hours we talked and got to know each other. I loved the way Niall laughed and smiled when he found something funny, I even liked the way he scrunched up his face when he laughed... He was adorable.

"Hello?" Niall said waving his hand in front of my face

"Oh- hi!!" I said

"I thought you were frozen there lad, you were just staring .. At . Me "

I blushed and turned to see Dia smirking at me I stuck out my tongue.

Suddenly Niall wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close, he whispered in my ear with the most serious voice. "Do you want Starbucks? "

I couldn't help but laugh.. "Yes Niall yes I do. "

"Well ... We'll be back" Niall announced standing up then helping me

"Where are you going?" Liam asked us

"Starbucks" we both said then walked out the door. Niall held my hand as we walked down the street(apparently we were taking the long way) I loved it when he was so close to me it made me feel warm inside and I had so many butterflies in my stomach.


*Niall's p.o.v*

Nia and I were enjoying frappe's from Starbucks, she sipped the last of hers down as I took both of our cups to the trash can. After we walked outside I asked her where we should go.

"Ummm I don't know" Nia said

"Let's go to the park!!" I yelled gripping her hand and running to the park. We reached the park out of breath,

"That was fun" she said

I burst out laughing and fell to the ground because of course that was NOT fun. This only caused Nia to fall and laugh too we laid there Literally rolling on the floor laughing.

Nia calmed down and tried to calm me down.... It didn't work. So we both walked home, I used her shoulder to help me not fall over while laughing.

Nia opened the door and we both walked in.

"What's so funny?" Liam asked me

"Well she... And I ... Not funny .. " I burst out laughing again.

"We ran to the park and I said well that was fun and he couldn't stop laughing" Nia said giggling.

Nia and I walked to the couch and sat down, I hugged her close to me so that her head was laying on my chest, I don't know why, but I like it when she's next to me, she makes me feel complete .

I felt her snuggle next to me and drift to sleep and I kissed her head.. Of course everyone else stared giving me a questioning look but I didn't care, because Nia was with me.

Friendship Adventures *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now