This is what happened

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*Cole's p.o.v*

Thinking about Nia I walked into the stop sign, I didn't know that something so small could make me fall over in pain.

I laid on the ground rocking side to side, it seemed that every minute that passed by the pain in my forehead would get worst.

And then .... It was all black.


I opened my eyes to see that I was in a hospital bed, that's just .... Awesome.

I looked around to see Dia and Dana in the door way. They recognized my consciousness and sped to my bed.

"Bro are you okay??" Dana asked me fully concerned


"We were so worried" Dia replied "what happened"

Uhh .. I didn't really want to tell them the fact that I walked into the sign so I made up a story.

"Well I was walking down the street, and these two guys in all black came running towards me and I tried to run away but they were too fast and they hit me hard in the head and left me on the ground to die... I tried calling for help but no one came.

The while story seemed to make Dia upset, she bugged me and continued to say sorry.

"It's alright, I'm alive aren't I?"

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