Houston we have a problem

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*Dana's p.o.v*

I woke up in Dia's room under a blanket on her floor, Slowly I got up and walked down the steps and was welcomed with the amazing smell of Bacon, Eggs and Pancakes. I smiled and thought about how much Cole loved pancakes. Turning the corner to the kitchen I saw that Cole was there and so was Will, Gabe, and David.

'Heyy wassup man?' Cole asked me

'Nothing much, what are you guys doing here?'

'Dia said you needed friends over so she invited us!' Will said smiling

'Thats awesome!'

'I know right!' Dia said walking out of the kitchen with bacon in her hands.

'DIA STOP STEALING THE BACON!!!!!!!!!!' I heard Harriet scream from the kitchen.

Surprisingly Harriet was the best cook out of all the girls. After Dia came scampering out of the kitchen Niall and Nia where close behind her with a mad Harriet with a spachula chasing after them. We all laughed as the girls ran around the house getting bacon everywhere. After Everyone calmed down, Harriet made plates for Cole, Will, Gabe, David, Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and I, Since she refused to make plates for Nia, Dia and Niall because they stole the bacon.

Dia pouted when she didn't recieve a plate with pancakes and eggs.

'haha i get all the pancakes' Cole said standing up running in the kitchen and stealing the last helping of pancakes.

'HEYYYYYYYYY' Niall said chasing after him

'I gotta see this' Dia said chasing after Cole and Niall with Nia trailing behind

Harriet sighed and cleaned the table and kitchen after everyone was done eating I offered to help clean but she just called Harry and forced him to help eventhough he didn't want to.

I sat in the living room talking to my band mates when I noticed Cole staring at Nia, Nia didn't seem to notice neither did anybody else.

' hey Cole' Cole didn't even glance my way.

'Cole..... Cole... EARTH TO COLE'

'HUH uhhh yeah?'

I smirked at him, I could tell his face was slowly turning red.

'Is there something you'd like to tell me?' I just said still smirking

' no.... no' Cole said

'No i think someone has a crush on someone' I said a bit louder

'A CRUSH!!!!' Harriet screamed running over to Cole and I 'I KNOW ALL ABOUT CRUSHES!!' she screamed once more.

Now Cole's face was as red as a tomato..'I have to go to the bathroom' He said getting up awkwardly and walking out of the room.

I recieved a txt from him right then;

Cole: That was not funny.

Me: I wasn't laughing.

Cole: she probably thinks im weird now.

Me: who? ;)

Cole: Nia

Me: awwww your crushing on Nia

Cole: Shutup :p

'What are you smiling about?' Dia asked me

' ohh you know...' I said showing her the txts Cole sent me

Dia's smile widened then it faded. 'what's wrong?'

'What about Nia and Niall?' she whispered

'uhhhhhh I dunno'

she sighed and sat next to me laying her head on my chest like she always does when she's thinking.


I walked out of the meeting room dissapointed that in 4 days me and the rest of IM5 would have to tour to California. I knew it was an awesome opportunity and we would be more discovered but I would still miss my girlfriend Dia. (Apparently we're official )

Cole and I were the only ones outside of the meeting room so we decided we would just walk around and get the whole California thing in our system.

'California...' Cole whispered, 'Dude do you know what this means?'


'We could meet so many celebrities and famous singers!'

'that would be amazing'

'we would have more fans!'

'and haters...'

Cole's smile faded 'Whats wrong?'

'nothing' I said fake smiling

'are you sad about leaving your girl?'

'yeah..' I said barely over a whisper

' Okay well, while we're touring you could skype her and maybe when our schedule isn't so full we could schedule a flight for you to go see her!'

I smiled a bit 'Why cant I just bring her with us and when she's ready to go home we can have a plane take her home!'

'That's an even better idea!' Cole said smiling

I grinned. Now all I had to do was invite Dia to come with us but would she want to?

Friendship Adventures *Completed*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя