More trouble?

18 2 14

*Cole's p.o.v*

I ran behind Niall into the house that the girls shared and right away I knew I made the wrong chose.

Harriet asked me what happened and I told her everything.

"oh , next time don't stalk" she said

I made my way outside of the house and down the block, it was obvious it was all my fault that this happened. This was all my fault I wouldn't have made Nia upset if I would just stay out of her business.

Why couldn't I just leave her alone, why couldn't I just let her love someone else?

I knew exactly why... Because I was too selfish to believe it, everything about her made me tingle from head to toe and it really hurt that she didn't look at me the same way.

I walked down the street, thoughts clustering my mind, making me not aware of my surroundings and BANG!

I fell on the ground, it was only a while later that I realized I had walked into a pole.

"If only you knew what you do to me Nia" I mumbled smiling


*Will's p.o.v*

"So we're not getting food? " I asked Dia

"No Will No!" She said

"Dangit " Niall said

"Okay okay I understand" I said putting my hands up " but I could really go for a burrito right now"

"Or a burger.." Niall added looking off into the distance

Dia shook her head and laughed.

We were outside looking for Cole, and we still hadn't found him.

"where the hec is he" Nia mumbled

"No idea" David said

"WHAT THE CRAP!?" I heard Dia yell, she was a good distance in front off us. We all ran towards her.

I was horrified to see what lied on the ground in front of us.

Friendship Adventures *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now