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(A/N If you're wondering where the mother went.... She was just visiting, all the characters own their own house)
*Harriet's p.o.v *

After Liam dropped me off, I ran to the couch and jumped, instead of landing on the couch I hit my head on the edge of it and hit the floor. "OWWWWWWW"

"REALLY!?" I yelled looking at the couch, all I wanted was to lay down

I stumbled into the kitchen to make myself some juice. Suddeny I heard a knock at my door. "Come in!!" I yelled. I turned around to see Nia,
"Oh hey !! whats up?"

"Nothing" she said "I just came over, because I was bored."

"oh... do you want anything to drink? "


"okay there's... apple juice, water, milk, tea, soda "

"soda please."

"okay.. is coke fine?"

"sure. "

I finished making my juice and walked to the refrigerator to get a coke. I walked to the living room with the drinks, and sat on the couch next to Nia, yet again I heard another knock on the door. "COME IN!!!" I screamed, Dia came through the door into the living room, "hey guys" she said

"hey whats up?" Nia asked

"nothing much" said Dia

"you know what we should do!!" I said

"what" both my friends replied

"MAKE UP!!!!!!! "

Dia's phone rang. "wait a second" she said answering it

**Dia's P.o.v**

I answered my phone surprised to here Dana on the other side.

Dia - "Hey , whats up?"

Dana- "its a movie were.."
( you get it because there's a movie called Up... No? Okay...)

Dia- "I mean whats up with you.. "

Dana- "ohhh I knew that"

I rolled my eyes eventhough he couldn't see me.

Dana- "Yeah ......Will got sick so were not gonna be going anywhere for awhile."

Dia- "aww.. what happened"

I could tell it was something serious because Dana didn't sound like himself.

Dana- "he wont wake up... "

"WHAT!?" I yelled causing my friends to look at me, I walked to the front porch.

Dia- "what happened??"

"I dont know" Dana said worry clear in his voice... "I- I just came here and there he was.."

Dia- "im sorry "

Dana- "its okay "

Dia - "do you want me to come? "

Dana- "no im fine "

"Okay" I said hanging up and walking back into the house.
"what was that about?" Nia asked me..

"Dana's friend wont wake up"

"Who's Dana?" Harriet asked me,

"He's my friend, umm I got to go. "

"where are you going?" Nia asked

"to Dana" I said as I walked out the door.

Friendship Adventures *Completed*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum