Uh Oh

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*Nia's P.o.v*

After Dia left, Harriet and I sat in silence for a few minutes

... "Sooooo" - I said ... "Should we stalk her "

"Definitely" was Harriet's reply, "but first..... Let me take a selfie!! "

"OMG!" I whined

"I'm just kidding" Harriet said giggling "but seriously, make up "

After Harriet practically clouded her face with make up. We got in her car.

"You act like we're going to the red carpet" I said

She rolled her eyes .. "You'll understand when your older" she said

I rolled my eyes .. "Whatever"

When we reached our destination we were right outside a really nice hotel, it was what you would call expensive.

"Sooo are we gonna go in?" Harriet said loudly

"Shhhhh... We have to wait for Dia to go in... Then we go in. "

"GOT IT" Harriet screamed

"Could you get any louder !!! "

"Well.... "

"Not right now Harriet "

"Fine", Harriet said with a pouty face

Finally Dia went in, us behind her. We followed her up to this hotel room, when she closed the door behind herself we waited a few seconds. We were about to go in but the door opened and out came a boy with brownish tan hair and brown eyes, he looked tired and worn out.

"Who are you?" He asked

"Dia's friend" Harriet and I said

He turned around and opened the door for us

"Thanks" I said barely over a whisper

We walked in and Dia looked at us confused

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked

"WELLLLL" - said Harriet

"Shhhhh" Dia and I both scolded her

"WELL SORRRYYYY!!!" >:( - she yelled once more

"Harriet shut up!!!" Dia said

"Dia!!!" I yelled

It got to the point where we were all yelling and arguing

"Guys" Dana said

We ignored him.

"GUUUYYYYSSSS" - Dana yelled

"WHAT!!" Dia yelled

"You need to be quiet, were all in a bad mood right now and yelling is not helping anyone here!" Dana said

"Sorry"- we all said in unison

Dana walked back to a chair that was next to someone that looked super pale

"What's happening" I whispered to Dia

"Will". Dia said .... "He's in a coma"

"I'm sorry" - I said

"Yeah ... Cole, Dana, Gabe and David are taking it really hard. "

"DUDE THAT SUCKS" Harriet screamed

"I'll take her outside" Dia said


Dia and Harriet walked outside of the room as I stood there awkwardly. I slowly made my way towards Will I'm guessing...

He looked like a super white doll ... Like Michael Jackson (no offense...I'm not trying to be mean)

Dana was in a chair beside the bed, his head down. It was too depressing inside the room to stay so I left. Walking outside the hotel room I bumped into the guy that let me in.

"Oh sorry" I said

"It's okay... What's your name?"

"Nia... And yours "

"Cole. "

"Cool "

He smiled a bit.

"I'm sorry about your friend "

"Yeah..... "

"I hope he gets better soon "

"Me too." He said looking down

I walked past him and out of the hotel. When I came outside I saw Harriet tied to a pole like a dog. "I knew I shouldn't have let them stay outside by themselves" I mumbled and ran towards Harriet,

"what happened!!"

"Dia was being a mean and tied me to a pole" Harriet said

I looked at Dia

She shrugged and said "she wasn't listening."

I sighed ... And unhooked Harriet

"Do you guys want to go out and eat?" I asked

"No I need to stay with Dana" was Dia's reply

"You need to eat" I told her

She shrugged and started to head back inside

"I'll pick up food for her" I said to myself.

"COME ON HARRIET!! WHERE GOING FOR A RIDE"- I screamed before Harriet went back inside the hotel.

"YAY RIDE" she squealed

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