Niall VS Cole

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*Niall's p.o.v*

I stared at Cole I had the feeling that he was trying to steal my girl (pun intended). Cole stood up and I held Nia close to me so that he knew that she belonged to me (not in a possessive way, but a sweet way). A few minutes later Harry stood up and announced that he and Harriet were going on a walk, after he left so did Dia, Dana, Gabe, Will, David, Liam, Zayn and Louis which just left me with Nia.



"IwasjustwonderingifyoupossiblysortalikeCole?" I said all in one breathe

"Um no... i like you"

I could feel my face burning red


"of course" Nia said blushing

"well then i have a question for you"

"yes Niall?" she asked me looking into my eyes, she had the most beautiful eyes and that was one of the little things I liked about her (pun intended XD ).

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked her shyly avoiding her eyes but excited to hear her answer. Nia was silent for a moment, looking up I noticed her face was burning red and she had the hugest smile on her face.

"IS that a yes?"

she shook her head yes excidedly without saying a word. it was just like the first day I met her. I pulled her close to me and kissed her head.

"im so glad that i can finally call you mine" I said gazing into her eyes

"me to" she said kissing my cheek


I pulled Cole outside and slammed the front door behind us.

"What is wrong with you !?" I yelled at him

"I just want Nia to be mine!"

"Well she's mine so your gonna have to deal with it!"

"How do you even know that she likes you!?"

"She said it herself"

"She lied Niall!!! she doesnt like you!"

"she wouldnt lie to me...."

"yes she would"

"I ......." I stormed into the house not looking at anyone I heard Nia call for me but i just ran past her and into the room that didn't have any decoration or theme. I thought about what Cole said .... It probably wasn't true but I couldn't tell what was true anymore.

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