Yeah..... In trouble

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*Nia's p.o.v*

I walked out of the room frustrated, why didn't Cole just tell us!?

"Hey guys"

"Yeah" Dia said

"Cole lied, he walked into a sign"

Dia rolled her eyes "are you serious"

"Um guys" Harriet said but we ignored her

"Yeah I'm serious" I said

"GUYS" Harriet yelled

"Not the time Harriet!" Dia yelled

"I CALLED THE POLICE!!!!" Harriet screamed

"YOU DID WHAT!?" I screamed

"I CALLED THE POLICE!" Harriet screamed again making Dia cover her ears

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!.... What are we going to do?" I said sitting on the couch

"I- I don't know"

Just then Harry, Louis, Niall, Cole, Dana, and Will walked into the house.

"Houston we have a problem" Dia said

"Yeah?" Dana asked

"Harriet called the police" I told the boys

"Why?" Harry asked

"Well because, Cole said he was attacked and I thought the police needed to know! But nooooo he had to lie"

"What really happened?" Said Niall

"He walked into a sign " I said grumpily

"He what?" Louis said laughing

"Bro seriously " Dana said looking at his friend who was half way out he room

"Nope your staying with us" Dia said grabbing Cole's arm and making him sit

"So what's the plan?" Dia asked all of us

"We dress up Harriet as a burglar and turn her in" Louis said

"How bout no" Harriet said

"We can just tell the police what really happened and that we are sorry for the miss hap" I said

"Or we tell them they are at the wrong house" Cole said

"Lying is not how we get out of situations cole" I said nonchalantly

Cole sunk back into the couch "so what are we going to do?"

"How bout you guys figure this out and I'll make a sandwich" Niall said walking into the kitchen

"Okay then" I said


*Harry's p.o.v*

After the police left Harriet and I collapsed onto the couch, Harriet laid on my chest and I wrapped my arm around her. Niall and Nia were sleeping in each others arms across the room, while Dana and Dia were next to me watching something on their phones.

"So is the video done?" Harriet asked Dia

"What video" Dia said clueless

"The Nia and Niall video you idiot" Harriet said

"OHHHH RIGHT" Dia yelled

"Shutup your going to wake them up" Harriet screamed

"Says the girl who screams also" Dana murmured, Harriet glared at Dana.

"Soooo?" Harriet said

"One last video" Dia said taking a video of Nia and Niall sleeping (witch isn't stalkerish at all)

I watched Dana and Dia run upstairs and after about 30 minutes they came down with the computer, showing my girlfriend and I the video.

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