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1st Person: Callisto


It all just happened in one fowl swoop, it caught me off guard.

  "Y'know Callis, your set kind of reminds me of somebody..." One of my male teammates, Cosmos, pointed out. My other male teammate, Orion, nodded, signaling that he agreed.

  "Really? Who?" I responded, turning around to face the two inkling boys whilst walking backwards. I looked down at my clothing, and tugged on one of my sleeves. "I thought this was original."

  And it was. Trust me. Please...

  "I can't put my finger on it..." Orion stated, looking me dead in the eye. "But I'm positive it'll come to me eventually."

  I shrugged, and turned back to face the front.

  At this moment, I walked through the streets of Inkopolis Square with my teammates beside me. It was a pretty bright and cheerful day; The sun was out, there were no clouds in the sky. It was perfect weather for turf war.

The four of us had our weapons in our hands, and our ink tanks were already strapped on. I had my new gear I wanted to stack on new abilities. My cousins were going to come and move into Inkopolis Square from Fresh Aloe Fields soon, so I want to get as many stuff as I can done with my friends until I spend all of my time with the two for a while.

  "Look guys, a new team to battle!" My female teammate, Luna, pointed to the four inklings that entered Deca Tower. They looked like they were pretty good, with the way they're acting, and their body language hits it off.

  It was a half-male, half-female team. But something about one of the male inklings was odd to me.

  He had a Nautilus 47 in his hands. He a Black Fishfry Bandana, accompanied by an Annaki Drive Tee, and a pair of Arrow Pull-Ons.

  That's the exact same set I'm using right now.


  Wait. 'Those are the Raging Titans!'

  "Guys, we can't go fight them," I protested, worry plastered on my face. "They're the 3rd best team! I don't even have my original gear!"

  Luna giggled, placing one of her hands on my shoulder, patting it. "It's fine, Callis; You're a good player either way! And plus, we're the 2nd best team, so this will be a breeze!"

  I swear, Luna's optimism will be the death of me one day.

  We followed up behind the Raging Titans into the lobby. The four of them immediately turned to the four of us. My body immediately stiffened.

  Instead of me doing the talking, it was all Luna and Orion. "Hello, we would like to have the honor of being your opponents today."


  The boy with the Jet Squelcher smiled and looked Orion straight in the eye. "It's on."

  My copycat looked at me in the eye. He smirked, and looked away. I suddenly know what was going on. He knows what he's doing. I let out a slight growl, and looked away, too.

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