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*huff* *puff*

*huff* *puff*

They ran, the constant aching and pain in their legs and their instinct to just stop and rest after running for so long completely vanished. They knew they couldn't stop and rest for even a second if they wanted to get out of here alive. Even so, the two of them completely escaped from the mind control by pure luck. It was simply just a coincidence.

"I think they're gaining on us." Yamagiri breathed, gasping for air with every step.

"Then we just have to run faster, come on!" Matt responded, out of breath himself as well.

As the story said before, the two of them escaped by pure luck. Matt accidentally slipped into a lake during patrol as a soldier of the Seared, and it was by chance also that he's still even alive. The lake drenched him, washing off all the liquids, drugs and materials to brainwash him. He couldn't save anybody else but his own teammate and friend, Yamagiri, by pushing her into the lake, as well. The guilt making him want to go back to get at least one more inklings to safety with them was pushed aside, despite how much he wanted to. For some reason, the team leaders were under heavy surveillance. That's why he was unable to save Sachi, or Iyrien, or even the OfB leader Kai. He couldn't find Callisto anywhere.

Just recently, they were sneaking by each island by what seemed to be sigils on each, teleporting them to either the nearest island in front, the nearest island to the right, the nearest island to the left, or the nearest island behind them. And then, by accident, they warped to an island with more soldiers of the Seared training. Of course, they were spotted. The whole center kingdom was alerted, and now they were on the run.

"We— We need to find a hiding spot!" Ashlynn huffed out, her energy now rapidly decreasing. "If we continue by how things are now, we'll never make it out!"

Matt nodded, eyes looking around him as they travelled from island to island with soldiers on their trail. Then, his gaze focused on a definitely larger island, covered with fog and, more importantly, a more likely chance of them not finding them. At least, for now.

"There." He pointed to the island covered in fog. "Let's travel there."

  "Good idea."  Yamagiri responded.

  "Or, it would be if the islands around us weren't occupied."

  "... W h a t ?"

Matt looked at Yamagiri, then looked around at the surrounding islands that were at least visible between the heavy bundles of trees surrounding them. Hundreds of the soldiers of the Seared looked to be locking their targets on the two Warriors. Yamagiri gulped. "Yeah, we're definitely screwed." She held a knife she borrowed from Matt, a butterfly knife, in her hand, reader to protect herself for as long as she can.

  The aviator-wearing inkling held the gun, the human gun provided by the Seared themselves, something that didn't disintegrate when he fell into the cephalopod-safe water. The dim light inside the realm reflected his aviators, gazing intently at the soldiers as they approached the sigils.He was back to back to Yamagiri, ready for battle.

  "This is gonna be painful, isn't it..."

  The gang hid themselves in a hollow cavern, deep inside the heart of the largest isle. Though they were underground, the mist from above still reached them; It was no wonder why it was named the Mystery Isles by the fox girl. You'll never know what'll pop out of the mist, if anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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