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The battle between the Blue Team, plus Luna, and The Girl's Unit was still going on, it was getting pretty heated up. Goggles was busy fighting the Octarians with Rider, Sapphire, and the Gemini Twins.

I really do hope they're okay. Speaking of which... Guys? Did you fix the input yet? With the camera?

[Inaudible voices from the background]

*sigh* Alright, I can wait... I guess. But I really don't like being stuck with these backstabbers.

  Orion and Cosmos... Found out about Luna and what she did. They couldn't lie, they missed Turf Wars, too... And more importantly, Callisto. But if Luna just simply told them, they would understand.

  Even though Luna hasn't played Turf War in a long time, and hasn't even used the Splattershot for a while to make things worse, she was still the fast, optimistic girl that Orion and Cosmos knew.

  That would definitely be useful if they wanted to find Callisto.

  "Let's go Team Blue!" Cosmos smiled, raising a fist in the air from the spectator's perch in Skipper Pavilion. He would've never guessed that he would be cheering for a team with a higher ranking on the top 10 best teams.

  But here we are now. All because Luna's kind heart.

  I mean, Callisto had a kind heart too. I wonder why she went missing.

  The Girl's Unit, though, were still trying their best. Dream was sniping Specs, Bobble and Headphones left from right, and was barely missing Luna by a few centimeters every time. She was just that quick on her feet.

"God... Damn it!" She clenched her teeth, trying to wipe the smirk off of Luna's face. Luna tilted her Full-Moon Glasses up as a taunt, making Dream... Even more angry!

"D-Dream, the Octobrush is intruding our base and w-we—" Wish stuttered, barely loud enough for Luna to hear.

"LEAVE ME ALONE, WISH! Go splat the Octobrush!" Dream said, countering Wish's nervous look with her frightening Glare. "I wanna show this Orbiter who the real ruler of the universe is!"

Suddenly she heard a giggle. Dream turned her head to see Luna, smiling at her from below.

"Are- *laugh* Are you sure about that?"

  Dream's eyebrows furrowed, and Luna pointed behind her. She turned around to see Headphones, Specs and Bobble looking up at her, waving goodbye too, as Wish, Melody and Love respawned.

  Then, she heard an autobomb right next to her go off. Bobble smiled at the spiritual squid, while screaming, "This is what you get for ignoring Rob!"

  "Who the heck is Rob?" Headphones turned to Bobble as she charged up her charger.

  "Oh, it was the autobomb!"

  "WHY WOULD YOU NAME AN AUTOBOMB?!" Specs, Headphones, Lunac and the rest of the Girl's Unit nearby shouted at Bobble in unison.

Bobble shrugged. "They're cute! They remind me of little kitty-dogs! And also Mask!"

Luna held in her laughter, as she heard Love from the Girl's Unit snicker too. Then laugh. Oh, she's laughing really hard.

"Ob-oblivious! SO OBLIVIOUS TO FEELINGS, oh my cod, hahahahahah!!" Love laughed, making it impossible for her to raise her Dynamo at maximum height, causing it to be an easy splat for Bobble.

  '1 Minute left on the clock!' Luna thought to herself, as she inked back some turf they lost. She almost got ambushed by Melody and her Kensa Octobrush, but she swam behind her. Melody was confused, it didn't help that her head hurt at a bad time, and splatted her from behind.

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