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The Gemini Twins and what's left of the Jupiter family reached Ganymede and Elara's home. It was relatively big; since Callisto moved out to live with her 'teammates', there was more space. But Ganymede and Elara always kept Callisto's old stuff in her old room.

"Wow, I always forget how bigger your home is then ours." Castor saws in awe, standing near the doorway. Pollux nodded in agreement, then ran into the living room, literally throwing herself onto the couch.

"Oh, don't be silly! Your home is just as big." Elara smiled, her giddy self returning to her. She was confident that Castor and Pollux would find her daughter. She doesn't know how... It's just a hunch.

Pollux and Castor rested for a bit in the living room, either sleeping or looking at their phone, without forgetting to ask for the wifi password, of course. Then, they went to fetch their luggages from the car.

  Pollux also did more research on Callisto's disappearance. She has a good idea of what happened to Callisto, including what happened with her and her teammates.

Ganymede said that they can use Callisto's old gear and some of her old weapons for the time being, since last visit both Castor and Pollux reached level 10. So, they can use almost anything Callisto used to use.

  Pollux decided to wear a Takoroka Visor, her White Tee, and Toni Kensa Hi-Tops. Castor, on the other hand, pulled on a Squid Facemask, with an Annaki Evolution Tee and Arrow Pull-Ons.

  Freakin' Castor. Pollux is here lookin' all extroverted and stuff, and here Castor is, being one emo squid in the corner. Shake my head.

  ... Oh yeah. Castor equipped himself with a Splat Charger, and Pollux had the Splat Brella. Sorry, forgot to mention it.

  It was almost noon, and Ganymede and Elara were preparing lunch. They told the Gemini twins that they can go explore Inkopolis Square, just as long as they get back before 1:30 p.m, when lunch would be ready.

  "Here, take these coins for the bus. Don't lose them, we can't give you any more. Sorry!" Elara laughed, handing both Castor and Pollux a small pouch of coins, each holding 500.

  'We're rich!' Pollux joked inside her head.

  Castor and Pollux waved goodbye to their aunt and uncle, and ran outside to the bus stop. The bus came sooner than expected and they rode to Inkopolis Square.

  At Inkopolis Square,Castor and Pollux decided to do some Turf Wars, but first they needed two more teammates. They went around, asking, but once they asked one team of three, they weren't in the mood for any more.

  "Hi! Do you guys have two teammates that can play with us in some turf war battles?" Pollux smiled at the three. The three of them seemed chill.


  "Oh, yeah! Cosmos was about to leave, anyway. I'm Luna! Nice to meet'cha!" The girl with Full-Moon glasses, Luna, greeted.

  "Greetings. You shall call me Orion." The boy with Black Arrowbands, Orion, greeted himself in a more formal fashion.

  Castor didn't think anything of it, cause y'know, he's a dingus, but Pollux knew exactly who these guys are.

  The Orbiters.

  The team who had one of the major reasons of why Callisto went missing.

  Pollux had heavy breathing, inhaling in more than she was supposed too, multiple times. Castor noticed this, and started to get confused, and worried.

  "Pollux? Are you okay? Are you having trouble breathing again?! Oh god, is it a panic attack?!" Castor asked, putting his hand on Pollux's forehead, to check her temperature. The heavy breathing was starting to turn into coughs.

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