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  Orion couldn't sleep. It was near midnight, and he kept on turning around, trying to find some sort of comfortable position. But he never found it, causing him to just stare at the empty ceiling above him.

  He was bored. Insanely bored. He doesn't check his phone, as he thinks it distracts him from slumber, and Orion was certainly tired enough to not have enough energy to play videogames with Luna and Cosmos downstairs.

  Speaking of those two, how do they have so much energy? They're like little rays of sunlight.

  The tired inkling sighed, knowing that he probably wasn't tired enough. It also didn't help that his brain was constantly thinking. Worrying. What if something bad happened to Callisto? What if they didn't find her in time? What if this is all just a race against time?

  Why do they even care about Callisto, anyway?

  Do they not feel the heavy guilt that's being carried on their shoulders?

  Orion put on his Black Arrow-Bands, his Panda King-fu Zip-up, and walked downstairs.

Downstairs he saw Luna playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, while Cosmos just watched. Cosmos took notice of Orion and said, "Hiya Ori! Where are you going? It's almost midnight, you should know."

"Oh, I do know." Orion responded, putting on his Black Norimaki 750s. "I just... Need to clear my mind. I'll be back, promise."

  "Alright! Be safe." Luna told Orion. Orion nodded as he took the house keys and locked the door, then putting them into his pocket with a little 'jingle'.

  The young inkling never realized how much gold they got from Turf Wars and Ranked Battles until now. From the outside, their house was pretty big compared to other houses in Inkopolis.

  Moonlight shined down on the purple inkling, walking down the side of the road. He adjusted his glasses and continued walking.

Soon, he stumbled across a river that soon lead to Snapper Canal. The water wasn't too deep, but the width of the river was quite big. Orion remembered Callisto, Cosmos, Luna and him sitting here for a small picnic. It was when they beat another team a few months back; Team Outcasts.

  He found himself wondering closer to the body of water. Orion looked down at his reflection, as the pale moonlight shimmered down on the sea floor.

Have I heard that somewhere?

He remembers Cosmos throwing a surprise water balloon at him, and it started a full-on water balloon fight.

... ... ...

  Orion smiled at his reflection, then continued his little walk.

Soon, he found himself in the entrance of Skipper Pavilion. Orion's home turf. His eyes caught sight of a girl with white tentacles, standing, looking out at the waters with her weapon, a .52 Gal Deco, in hand, aiming directly below her. 'It's near midnight, what in the world is that squid doing?' Orion thought to himself.

He thought that he would go and have a hat on this mysterious, white-tentacled girl. They were only squids, and was unaware that dawn will bring capture on both Orion and the rest of his team.

Wait, what? This wasn't part of—

[Inaudible voices in the background]

But... You promised they'd be safe when—

[Inaudible shouts in the background]

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