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  Sashi was confused. Ice on the wall? Her eyes were mixed with horror and confused. She turned to the Gemini Twins, who were scared themselves about what they've revealed.

  Pollux immediately rushed to clean Castor's mess by igniting flames in her hands and melting the ice by placing her palms onto the ice, lukewarm water dripping down the wall.

  "... So..." Sashi gulped, rubbing her arm. "are you guys going to explain this to me? Or...?"

Castor looked down. He bit his lip. "Do we... really have to?"

Sashi looked down and clenched her fists. For the first time in a long time, Castor actually thinks she's shy about something. "I-I mean, you don't have to, I'd just appreciate it if you did."

She proceeded to start walking to her club room, where Sashi wanted to spend the rest of Lunch Period in solitude, but Castor stopped her. "Wait." She turned around to see Castor taking hold of her wrist. "Let's talk about it somewhere secluded, I can't risk anybody overhearing this."

  Sashi nodded. "The clubroom's empty right now. Everybody's down in the outdoor cafeteria. It's a pretty nice day." Pollux agreed with the lavender inkling as they went up into the Music club.

  I'm going to be real honest, Castor and Pollux have never seen the music clubroom yet, much less any other clubroom than the Astronomical one. They've ever only briskly passed by it, and the windows to the club were always covered somehow, so nobody could peek in on what they're up to.

Yet, seeing the music club for the first time seemed so fascinating to them. The room was super untidy, yet everything was organized somehow — The messy, crumpled sheets for lyrics and music sheets were all kept in separate boxes. colourful sticky notes were randomly placed on their corkboard, accompanied with a picture of their club members. And to finish it all off, a closet of instruments, and more instruments were out waiting in their stands. And in the cupboard were Sachi's, Topaz's, Robin's, and Senshi's old instruments, with a photograph of each taped onto their respective items.

  "Wow... You guys can hang out in here?" Castor questioned, examining a music sheet laying still on a table. It seemed unfinished, and there were smudges all over. "When it's so... messy?"

  Sashi laughed nervously. "I always try and clean everything after school, but everything always seems to get back to the way it was... Wait!—" Sashi saw what Castor was looking at and grabbed the music sheet out of sight. "Don't look at that!"

  Pollux peeked out from behind Castor. "Wha? Why?"

  "I... think I stared writing it before the Mount Nantai incident." Sashi started, peering at the crumpled, unkempt sheet of paper. "Judging from the lyrics, I might've been writing it for... I dunno, somebody? Must've lost that in my memory. Whatever. Saying Whatever reminds me of Topaz's sister Emerald... Haha..." Sashi sadly giggled to herself. "I don't think she really cares for Topaz. Yeah, she's a [woomy]."

  Sashi turned around to put the music sheet into a folder that was kept inside the closet alongside the spare instruments. After that, she walked back to the Gemini Twins and crossed her arms. "'Kay, spill. What's with this 'Freezing' and 'Melting' stuff?"

  Pollux's giggly, happy smile suddenly faded from her face, and she turned around to make sure nobody was watching or listening. She then faced Sashi, and turned her opened hand towards the air.

  "You see, Sashi... We were born with abilities. Castor was born with the ability to control ice, and me fire." Pollux explained. A bright red colour glowed from Pollux's palm, then a small wave of fire came rushing through the air, disappearing after a second.  "Dunno why. Mom said it kinda just... happened."

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