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It was about a month after the incident with the Raging Titans...

"Come on, Castor! We get to see Older Cousin again!" Pollux cheered, running ahead with her pink luggage. Her older twin brother, Castor, trailed behind, lugging his luggage behind him.

"Great Zapfish, Pollux, give me a break!" Castor groaned, mentally facepalming as he uses up the little energy he has left to catch up with his younger twin.

Castor and Pollux were known as the Gemini Twins back in their hometown, Fresh Aloe Fields, even though they had two different fathers. They've just moved to Inkopolis Square to be closer to Callisto, and to join one of the most trendiest places at the moment.

Currently, they were about to be picked up by their cousin's parents. Since they had no way to go around, and they certainly didn't have any coins to pay a taxi driver with.

Pollux was running too fast that she accidentally bumped into another inkling. Castor caught up with Pollux and took a look at the inkling she bumped into. He had sapphire blue tentacles, and oceanic eyes. He had headphones around his neck, and he had a turquoise sweater on.

"Sorry about my twin sister. She's a little too excited sometimes, and it can get her in trouble." Castor explained to the blue inkling. He simply chuckled in response.

"Excited? I think your sister is just the right type for me then!" The blue inkling flirted. Now, Pollux was pretty, yeah, but she was completely oblivious to flirting, all the time, so Castor grew a habit to protect Pollux whenever her head's in cloud 9.

"Aye, don't flirt with my sister. She may be annoying, but she's important to me." Castor threatened, his eyes glowing. Castor had this thing going on with him, that when he's pissed off, his eyes start to glow. It's honestly pretty weird.

It's the same for Pollux. Whenever she get's too upset or too angry, her eyes start glowing too.

Maybe it's because... Never mind. That idea's stupid. That possibility is slim, let alone stupid.

"Alright, jeez!" The blue male inkling laughed awkwardly, praying to lord Boomy that he survives. "I was just kidding. You two seem like nice inklings."

Pollux smiled, "Thank you! Although Castor can be a little bit cranky if he doesn't get his beauty sleep!~" She teased, causing Castor to become fully light blue, and hitting Pollux on the shoulder lightly, and repetitively.

"POLLUX, DO YOU EVER STOP?!" Castor whined, looking away.

The blue inkling laughed. He thought that they fight like an old married couple, but it was obvious that they were siblings. He wished that him and a certain pink-tentacled inkling would treat each other like an actual couple...

  "Hah, you two seem pretty fun to hang out with, too," The blue inkling smiled, holding out a piece of paper with a combination of numbers out to the Gemini twins. "I'm Sapphire. Your best chance of running into me again is in Inkopolis Square, hope to see ya soon!~"

  Inkopolis Square. Inkopolis Square. Inkopolis Square.

  The Gemini twins looked each other in the eye. Sapphire lived in Inkopolis Square! If everybody was as 'Cool' as him, then starting a new life here would be relaxing, fun, and the days would be filled with sun for years to come!

  ... Or so they thought. Oh boy, did they have an Ink Storm coming.

  Castor and Pollux waited for their aunt and uncle to arrive. Callisto's parents did come, but they weren't as bubbly and happy as they were the last meet-up, which was exactly 1 month ago.

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