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The members sat in the club lead by Callisto, a tense yet cheerful aura filled the area depending on the person. Rigel and Univera sat on opposite sides of the room. Rigel was staring at Univera, genuinely scared out of his mind.

Castor was somewhat glaring at the picture pinned to the corkboard, hating the fact that Callisto was still present in people's lives back then.

Pollux was wandering the clubroom with Deimos cheerily acting as a tour guide for her. Once the two happy inklings laid eyes on each other, they easily clicked; Although Pollux's voice was still somewhat muffled by her facemask.

The female Gemini Twin managed to pick a book out of a bookshelf that the Astronomy Club has for club research. Pollux read the title, The Fallen Dust of the Galaxy, and suddenly hears Castor sneeze.

"*sniff* J-Jeez!" Castor stammered, rubbing his arms, trying to warm himself up through his school uniform. "Why is it so cold in here?!"

"Castor is... Correct," Univera agreed, zipping up her sweater. "Why is that...? Did the Aquatic club mess with our AC yet again?!"

Pollux shrugged, looking at Castor, and back down at the book. "Dunno, seems pretty warm in here to me..." She gave her reasons, flipping to the first page of The Fallen Dust of the Galaxy.

She skimmed through the pages, then her eyes laid on a passage that interested her.

It is said that soulmates switch corporeal forms with each other, on the day that the two realize that they want to spend the rest of their life together. This only occurs for about 1 or 2 days, then the two soulmates switch back to their original forms.

Although this fact has never been proven, there are few claims from couples and single cephalopods that this is true... It seems like it only occurs with certain soulmates, or this is all just a hoax.

Maybe this is a time for lovers to find out more about their soulmate while they have the time. See what they like, or what they're into.

'Interesting! Soulmates, good fanfiction material.' Pollux thought to herself, putting The Fallen Dust of the Galaxy back on the bookshelf and flopping down on a vacant space on the couch.

"So, Castor, Pollux," Orion sat down at the desk Callisto used to sit at, and flipped the pages in her neat and organized binder, stopping at a list consisting of all the club members. "You want to join this club?"

"Mhm." Castor said, glancing up from his phone to look at Orion.

"Yup!" Pollux cheered with glee, jumping up a little.

Orion nodded and wrote their names on the paper. He had writing almost as neat as Callisto, but Callisto still had better handwriting, for some apparent reason.

  Univera was still sulking in her chair, over the muffin that Rigel engulfed without mercy. She was still sulking when there knocks at one of the doors, and it slid open, revealing Sashi Aikohru.

  She was in the Music Club with Hikari, Akihiro, Riku, Iyrien, and others. The Music Club almost never associates with the Astronomy Club, so why was the lavender-clad inkling at their doorstep?

And, more importantly, she always had a smile on her face. So why was there sadness in the females' eyes?

  "Heya," Sashi mumbled, loud enough for them to hear. She avoided everyones gaze, and looked up at their pretty, galactic-painted ceiling. "mind if I come in to talk to you guys for a second?"

"Oh, greetings, Sashi." Orion spoke, standing up from Callisto's desk. Sashi still refused to look at everybody, and just looked down instead of the ceiling. "Of course you can come in."

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