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Cosmos woke up that morning on the floor of the living room and struggled to push himself up. 'Must've been yesterday. Cod,' He thought to himself as scratched his head. 'whatever, it'll go away this evening.'

Sounds of game controllers clicking were heard. Cosmos turned his head to see Luna staring intensely at the T.V. Screen. Her reaction time was in sync with her hand movements as she played Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

"Mornin', Moon." Cosmos said hoarsely, standing up and sitting down on a more comfortable place than the floor, known as the couch. "Did Orion get back home?"

"Yep. He left exactly at 6:30, and I was barely awake," Luna smiled, still focusing on the T.V. "Ori said he's getting us some breakfast, then he's going to the Training Grounds in Ammo Knights."

Cosmos tilted his head at Luna. "But why? It's a long time since we're gonna battle as a whole team again. And you know how Orion doesn't like battling with random strangers on our team." He put his hands out. "Remember when Callisto was sick that one time?"

  The female inkling laughed and nodded her head. Cosmos got up and changed into his Annaki Drive Tee and put on his Fake Contacts.

  He went back downstairs and sat down on the couch again, grabbing a controller from the coffee table. "As Callis would say, 1v1 me, scrub!"

  Luna looked him straight in the eye and pointed at him. "It's on!"

  "Thank you very much." Orion said as he walked out of the café with Luna's, Cosmos' and his favourite breakfast pastries.

Peeking into the little compostable bag, he made sure that his order was correct. 'One cream-filled bagel... 2 blueberry muffins... And my tea's in my hand. Great.'

An inkling bumped into Orion while he was distracted, causing him to fall down on the ground. The bag dropped, causing Orion's tea to spill on both his Panda Kung-fu Zip-up and the ground.

  "..." The purple male stared down at the tea-stain in sadness and grief. He was mentally crying. 'My.... My morning tea...'

  "Oh my cod! I'm sorry! Are you oka— Oh! It's you! Hi!" A familiar female voice cheered with obvious positivity and energy.

  Orion rubbed the back of his head, and looked up to see the Gemini Twins, along with Sachi, Goggles, Rider, Sapphire, and Dream. All standing together in a group, like they were a team.

  "Castor? Pollux?" Orion questioned.

"Yep. That's us." Castor wrapped an arm around Pollux and put up a thumbs up. He was almost smiling, but nobody knew, since he wore a facemask and all.

  Also, incest isn't okay guys. Don't get any ideas.

  Orion stared. Quietly.


  'Confrontation! Oh jeez, what do I do?!'

  The male silently stood up, picking up the bag of pastries and the now-empty cup of tea, which had unloaded on his clothing. Orion stared at the stain in disgust and sadness.

  "Sorry about your drink... And your gear." Rider pointed to the wet stain on Orion's sweater. Orion responded by nervously smiling and shaking his head. He scratched the back of his head.

  "No... It's fine, I'll wash this up and make my own tea at home." He answered, taking the sweater off and tying it around his waist, leaving him in only a white t-shirt and shorts.

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