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  It's been 2 weeks since the incident in Mount Nantai.

  2 weeks since school started.

  And 2 and a half months of Callisto gone.

  The Gemini Twins and Orbiters have been trying to pass the time with each other by joking around and having fun, but they soon realized: Things weren't the same without Callisto.

  And Callisto's not sane with her current state. Time is running out — slowly, yet steadily.

  Cloud Nine broke. The group couldn't bear to livestream, they were too shaken up after the disappearances and injuries of their fellow members, so they just focused on creating new songs.

  Akihiro soon got a call from the hospital. The awkward and discomforting silence in the living room startled everybody occupying the space; Riku, Hikari, Genki, Topaz, Cecily, and the S4.

  "Gonna take this call, one second." Akihiro said, abruptly standing up and walking to the other room, only then answering the mysterious phone call.

  Silence overtook the space once again. The inklings sat silently. Hikari and Riku anticipated for their teammates', and big brother in Riku's case, return.

  Akihiro wasted no time rushing back into the room with sparkles of hope in his eyes for the first time in a long time. "Guys, it's the hospital, Sashi — Sashi's going to be okay! Come on, let's go!"

The other squids caught Akihiro's contagious hope and faith that their friend will be okay, and rushed to the hospital.

"Right this way. Although, I'll only allow a maximum of 5 of you to go in at a time." The nurse stated, the shuffling of feet echoed through the hallways of patients and doctors and nurses.

They stopped in front of a door, labelled 317 on the front. The nurse quietly opened the door, letting only Hikari, Cecily, Topaz, Genki, and Riku enter.

  Before he took another step, Riku turned to look at Akihiro. "Nii-san, are you sure you don't want to see Sashi before me? You've known her longer."

  Akihiro shook his head, his arms were crossed and he took a step back. "No, go ahead, Imouto. She'll still be happy to see all of you, I'm sure."

  The younger Hoseki brother smiled, quickly hugged Akihiro and speed-walking over to Sashi's side to greet her from her slumber.

  "Riku! It's so relieving to see you all...!!" Sashi cried, opening her arms wide so they can all join in for a group hug, which Hikari immediately accepted as she dove in for a bear hug, burying her head in Sashi's shoulder.

  Sashi laughed uncomfortably, Genki and Cecily joining the hug. "G-guys, not too tight!"

  Topaz began crying tears of relief as he started to ramble once again about how he was so worried that she wouldn't wake up, and started to cry on the sheets. Sashi laughed and patted his head.

  They were all too precious to kill.

At least the group knew that the Sashi they knew and loved was back, only for a short time.

  The group's time was up, and the five of them gave Sashi a quick hug one last time before exiting the rooming.

  Akihiro and the S4 entered not too long after the other C9 members exited her hospital room.

  Once Sashi's eyes trailed to Akihiro's, she gasped in happiness. Akihiro went in for a hug, the lavender-white-clad inkling returning the gesture gratefully.

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