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Castor screamed, quickly splatting all of OfB with the help of Goggles and Rider. Goggles and Rider were surprised about Castor's sudden outburst, so Goggles hugged Rider in fear. He sighed and awkwardly patted Goggle's head in return, looking away from the male.

"God, they're so gay! I love it~!"

"Not now, Aloha. I do not want to be disturbed by you, I'm currently observing these two newcomer's playstyles, as they seem very skilled."

"Why do you always have to be so strict, Army? Lighten up for once! Smile!~"

"Don't touch me."

In the small alleyway in Walleye, at the far side, was where Pollux was found. All beaten up, and was drenched in dark, dark orange ink. Her Splat Brella was beside her, and she was sitting on the floor, her back against the wall. She looked out of energy, completely not normal at all.

"Holy callie-marie, Pollux..." Castor knelt beside Pollux and lifted her head up to look at each other. "This is why you should always be aware of anything and everything."

  "I— I know..." Pollux sniffed, barely moving. "But... T-they tackled me... Physically, on the ground... And then..."

  Pollux coughed up some of her purple ink. Castor got her to stand up, with his help of course. There were 45 seconds left."Can you last until the end of it?"

Pollux nodded weakly, silently grabbing her Splat Brella from the ground. She could still stand up, and ink turf. But her wobbly figure made it hard to stand upright, let alone run.

  So Pollux just walked everywhere.

  Castor stood on the tall boxes in the middle, splatting any member of OfB that dared tried to finish off their business with Pollux. She's gone through too much, already.

  Rider and Goggles went for their base, Goggles taking care of the close-ranged attacks and Rider backing him up behind.

  Soon, the turf war ended.

"Youuu've got to aaadmit, the two newwbies are reaaally good, despite thooose OfB scruuubs."



  Pollux immediately collapsed to the ground, Castor, Rider and Goggles rushing over to help her back up. Castor carried Pollux's arm over his shoulder and helped her over to the middle, where Judd and Lil' Judd stood, observing Walleye Warehouse.

"You okay?" Castor held Pollux back up, since she was slipping from Castor's grasp. She weakly nodded, all her attention was on Judd and Lil' Judd.

Judd and Lil' Judd pulled out their flags... and...

Team Purple wins with 53.6% compared to OfB, with a percentage of 41.9%!

  "Yay! We... we won..." Pollux cheered weakly, then she fainted into Castor's arms, due to overwhelming amounts of enemy ink not leaving her body.

Castor immediately rushed Pollux out of Walleye Warehouse and got Rider to call 911. He really didn't believe this was allowed to happen in Turf War. After all, all you're equipped to attack with is guns, brushes, buckets, rollers, and literally anything else.

Pollux was soon picked up by an ambulance and carried away. The hospital asked for Pollux's parents number, so they can inform them about it. Castor gave them what they wanted.

  Castor sighed and sat down on the ground, contemplating what he could've done to prevent this. Pollux was his little sister, how could he let her be hurt like that?

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