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"Why we're here?" Army stepped towards Sashi, getting a a step back from her in response. "Well, you seemed pretty off at the Square. Not to mention, you're practicing archery, with a bow, instead of practicing with your Nautilus 79 or Sorella Brella."

  Sashi cursed under her breath. She was so stupid, to think that nobody would notice. Of course the S4 would notice — They probably notice almost everything.

  "Tch, so what?" Sashi avoided eye contact, looking away. She was very eager to run deeper into the woods, away from all this interaction.

  "Nooone of *hyuk* your tentaclessss are peekingg out..." Mask weakly pointed to the hood of Sashi's cloak. "... Normallyyy, your insanely loooong tentaaacles would peeeek out at every cornerrr."

And as the breeze weaved through the trees, as Sashi pulled her hood more over to hide her cut hair; She felt guilty for a second. She was so close with these inklings in her childhood, before the whole competitive teams for Turf War thing. She used to tell them everything—

"I just... I..." Sashi turned, so her back faced the boys. "Leave me alone. I don't think it's any of your business."


  The light, lavender inkling tried to run farther, but before the S4 could even protest, the tip of her boot got caught under a root, causing her to trip and fall face-first on to the dirt, scraping her knee on a patch of rocks. The arrows fell out of her quiver, and the bow fell onto the ground.

  But her hoodie fell backwards, causing her short, silky, white-lavender tentacles to glisten in the sunsets light.

The chilly, cool night air arrived, as the S4 stared deep into Sashi's eyes, in horror and devastation. Sashi looked at the scattered arrows and her bow, which laid on the floor in the extremely tense air surrounding them.

Avoiding their look of disappointment and sorrow, Sashi just focused on picking up her belongings. "We have school tomorrow, right?" She questioned them, putting the arrows back into her quiver.

  "You guys need to go back home and get some rest."

She tried to walk deeper into the woods, but one inkling was fast enough to run over and stop her, gripping on her wrist tightly with both hands.

  "Buddy," Sashi stared into Aloha's concerned eyes, clearly unimpressed. "you're gonna cut off my blood circulation. Let go—!"

  Aloha didn't budge. "Sashi... Why did you cut it?"

  Skull pitched in, too. "Exactly what I was thinking. Why did you cut your hair?"

  "Cut off my hair? Well, maybe I'll tell you if you let go of my wrist!" Sashi retaliated, trying harder to get out of his grasp. And she clearly didn't want to escalate this, yet sometimes, the poor girl can be stubborn as a mule.

  A loud crash was heard near them in the forest, causing them to immediately stop all their commotion and look around for any signs of trouble. It sounded like a tree falling down.

Sashi held her bow in her hand, and an arrow in her other, ready to attack anything that was threatening them. Because as much as she was willing to hide secrets from them, even why she cut her hair, she still very much cared for the S4.

  No matter how cocky or salty they may get.

  "Guys, get back." Sashi spoke softly, focusing her eyes on a shadow in the trees. She felt its pairs of eyes on her, and it made her feel a little uneasy. Did it even have eyes? Did it even have a face?

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