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Yes, It's finally fixed...

//:CameraC9.png has been disconnected from computer.

//:CameraGemini.png has been reconnected to computer.

Alright, yep, I'm okay now. Just making sure that they're safe, is all...

Castor slumped into his chair in the bedroom that him and Pollux share. Pollux was staring at him with tired eyes from the upper bunk bed, and Castor was holding his head with both his hands. It was 10:57 P.M., and Pollux doesn't have time to be cheery. Right now, she'd like to sleep.

"Now Sapphire has Hanahaki Disease! Oh Great Zapfish, what do we even do?!" Castor screamed to himself, spinning in his chair at frantic speeds.

Pollux was staring down at her phone, checking
the DMs that the S4 had sent her. And Castor was still ranting. "He refuses to get surgery because he really loves her... Man, feelings really suck [woomy] sometimes..."

S4 + Gemini Twins

Pollux, you're not going? To
the Mount Nantai thing?
-Army, 8:31 P.M.

Nope. Castor doesn't
trust that place nor
emperor lmao
You,10:57 P.M

Also soz for not
responding sooner
You, 10:57 P.M

Aw, bummer!! he doesn't
want to try and find Calli?
-Aloha, 10:59 P.M.

i mean he seems like
he's wayyyy too over
-Mask, 11:01 P.M.

I mean, I think he just
wants to protect Lux.
Tbh It does seem really
-Skull, 11:02 P.M

Who cares!!!! I can take
care of myself, and he knows
You, 11:02 P.M

you do realize he's still in
this chat, right?
-Mask, 11:03 P.M

Aloha has kicked Castor from the groupchat.

-Aloha, 11:04 P.M

Aight, I'm thinking of
just going without his
knowledge. When yall
leavin to hike up Mount
You, 11:04 P.M

Hold on, gonna go
N ask Akihiro
-Skull, 11:05 P.M

Around midnight he
-Skull, 11:09 P.M

Oh, alright. Castor should
be asleep by then.
You, 11:09 P.M

Should I bring anything?
You, 11:09 P.M

I think just yourself, a
weapon you're
good at handling, your
ink tank and
drinkable water
and snacks
-Army, 11:10 P.M

OK! See you guys then!
You, 11:11 P.M.

Oh, 11:11
Make a wish guys
You, 11:11 P.M

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