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  Sashi travelled to the Orbiters' house long after school was over. Her tentacles flowed in the wind as she speed-walked, her bag in hand. Sashi knew that the Orbiters and Deimos, maybe even Castor and Pollux, were hanging out, and so she brought 10 smoothies for them, just in case they ran out. It was the least she could do, she felt bad for them. They've went through so many losses.

And they'll go through so much more.

  It wasn't much of a problem for the teen, she works part-time at Grizzco, and in a calm little cafe, which sold a lot of beverages. She even had her own cup of boba tea Sashi's coworker made her.

  Sashi was so focused on getting to the Orbiters' home, hurried footsteps soon clashed with silent footsteps, and the two of them fell to the ground.

  "Oof! I'm sorry— EMPEROR?!" Sashi gaped at the sight of the King before her eyes. Being one of the Top 7 teams in Inkopolis, she should see him as a rival, but I guess Sachi is starting to rub off on her.

She stood up and lent a hand for Emperor, which he gladly accepted. "H-Holy crab, I am so sorry! I didn't look—"

Emperor chuckled, and lent out a hand for Sashi to shake. Sashi flinched, but shook his hand anyway. "It's all right. Sashi, isn't it?" Emperor smirked. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I have actually been looking for you."

Sashi grinned. "It's nice to finally meet you, too! Let's battle sometime." She opened her bag of smoothies, wrote on one of the holders, and held it out to Emperor. "Here, take thos of them as an apology."

The monarch gladly took it from Sashi's hands, and then Sashi walked past him. "Banana flavour... just like your tentacles?!"

Emperor turned around to see Sashi with a [woomy]y sneer on her face. "Just because you're the so-called king, it just means I'll have to take you down." Sashi eerily giggled. "I'm not settling for the fourth best team in Inkopolis, you know? I'm sure you aren't settling for the potentially third team, especially since Team Blue beat you."

"Ah, right. You beat the S4 a few weeks ago... Speaking of the S4, how are they?" Emperor retaliated, glaring at Sashi for a reaction. "I'm sure that they're dying to get you to remember them."

Unfortunately for Emperor, Sashi stayed stone-faced. She'd has some experience with being pissed off before — she'd found the most effective way to just stay stone-faced.

Emperor shrugged. "I'll be on my way now. Thank you for the smoothie." He said, a [woomy]-eating smirk on his face.

Sashi glared at him until he cut the corners to the next set of houses. Then, she felt a piece of paper in her hand. She brought her hand up and opened her hand, revealing, indeed, a piece of paper.

Making sure nobody else was around, she unfolded the paper. Her eyes widened at the writing.

I have my suspicions about where Callisto and your other friends... Like the Warriors... or the Members of C9. You may also find out why the Raging Titans and OfB have been removed from the scoreboards. I may know their whereabouts.

Meet me at the base of Mount Nantai on XX/XX at midnight. Bring the Orbiters, the S4, Deimos, Team Blue, the Gemini Twins, and your own team with you.

Be ready for the truth. Be ready for anything.
It's our first time exploring it, too.
It's our first time exploring the world of them.
We'll be waiting.

-Team Emperor

"GUYS! Guys, you've got to see this." Sashi 'stormed' into the Orbiter's home and launched herself onto the plush couch, almost crushing the squid-Castor.

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