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  "Okay, O-Oneesama, I'll message y-you the ad-address..." Sachi said into her phone, then fumbling around on it.

Cosmos felt sweat form on his face as he smiled awkwardly at the poor innocent white-tentacled girl. Sachi was so, very polite and shy... It was cute. But then again, Cosmos finds almost anything cute.

"Wow... Sachi, you're very polite. That's great to know." He heard Orion say from beside him. His arms became asleep again.

'Gah, again?! Jeez...' Cosmos frowned. He tried moving them around, bending them, moving the wrists in a circular motion, but it only seemed to make nothing except more pain occur. 'It's only about 10:30 A.M... It'll go away...'

"Yep. That's my cousin for you guys." Sapphire smiled, adjusting his headphones resting on his neck. "The Aikohrus, that's Sachi, Sashi, Hikari, and Senshi, my cousins, were all grown up with nice parents. So was I. Our parents were kinda rich because they helped save Inkopolis from Octolings many times. And they actually knew how to take care of children!"

Sachi looked down as she pressed the send button on her phone, sending the address to her older twin. "Or... At l-least... Our mom k-knew how to- to until... Sh-She... *sniff*..."

Sapphire immediately regretted his decision of mentioning Sachi's mom and went to give her a so-called 'apology hug'. That's what they call it when they give Sachi hugs for making her cry, since she was the most sensitive out of all of them, the second being Hikari.

"Oh cod, Chi. I'm sorry, I— I forgot—" Sapphire stroked her white tentacles in comfort as the tiny white inkling shook her head.

"N-No... Sapphy... I-It's my fault f-for *sniff* being so sh-shy and sen-sensitive all *sniff* the t-time."

Cosmos was focused on something. Staring deep into his forearms, and wrists. What was this feeling? No. He couldn't do it again. Okay, maybe one more time. But that's what he said the last time. And the time before. And the second time. Okay, this is the last time.

The slick-tentacled inkling got up and almost walked out of the living room when Rider caught him.

"Hey, Orbiter. Where you going?" He called.

"Bathroom. I'm allowed to go, this is my house, right?" Cosmos turned his head around and half-smiled at the yellow-green inkling, then continuing to walk to his bathroom.

  Rider nodded and looked back at the drama between Sachi and Sapphire.

  While Cosmos was in the washroom, the doorbell rang throughout the corridors of the house. Orion, being the leader of the house while Callisto was absent, walked over to the front door to answer.

  He opened the door and saw five inklings. The female in front of the five had a braid trailing down into a ponytail, and her tentacles were as pure white as Sachi's, but there were small hints of lavender at the tips.

  "Hi! You're Orion of the Orbiters, right? I'm Sashi Aikohru, Sachi's older twin sister as you might have guessed." She smoke, grinning wide. "I have my team and my other two siblings. Can we come inside?" Sashi adjusted her headphones that were resting on top of her head. Looks like both her and Sapphire like music.

  Orion nodded, making room for the five to come inside. They took off their shoes and wandered over to the living room.

"Oneesama!" Sachi cheered. "O-Oneesama, you're here f-for the Cal-Callisto problem, r-right?" Sashi nodded.

  Cosmos came back into the living room, and once he saw who else was here he physically stopped. He was a fan of Cloud Nine. So he silently walked over to his spot on the couch, trying not to make a fool of himself.

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