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Name: Callisto Jupiter
Aliases: Calli, Callis
Age: 17
Team Status: Leader (Currently missing)

Personality: Calm Inkling. Very sweet and will do anything to keep her true friends safe. She is very extroverted, but will become distant and shy, and avoid crowds if something happened. Callisto is courageous and brave, always working to be better and to be a good leader, and a good role model to her younger cousins whom she loces very much. Whenever she's mad, she will give you either the silent treatment or become very aggressive. Maybe even both at the same time. Callisto loves videogames, and calling Sheldon crabman.

Favourite Food: Strawberry Cupcakes

Favourite Memory: Winning their first tournament. It was a close call, and Callisto's autobomb thrown saved the match by 0.6. She remembers the match like it was yesterday... And remembers talking to her parents all about it once she got home. Good times.

Headgear: Squidlife Headphones
Clothing: Grey College Sweat
Footwear: Black Kicks
Main Weapon(s): Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau, Sorella Brella, Firefin Splat Charger

Hairstyle: Tentacles swayed to the side
Eye Colour: White
Skin Colour: Pale

Name: Orion Chambers
Aliases: Ori
Age: 17
Team Status: Second-In-Command

Personality: Is very shy and he can't stand confrontations, let alone him confronting others. Really smart, but too shy to share it with others, other than the Orbiters. His hands shake whenever he gets nervous, which is a lot of times. Although, whenever he sees somebody he cares about being bullied or hurt, he steps up and becomes so frightening that the harmer leaves him and the target alone.

Favourite Food: French Fries

Favourite Memory: Winning a public speaking competition. His and the other Orbiter's elementary school chose him to represent the whole school, and alas, he won the whole thing. His parents were really proud, as well as his friends. Orion was really proud of himself that day.

Headgear: Black Arrowbands
Clothing: Panda Kung-fu Zip-up
Footwear: Black Norimaki 750s
Main Weapon(s): Undercover Sorella Brella, Sploosh-O-Matic, Dapple Dualies

Hairstyle: Bowlcut
Eye Colour: Teal
Skin Colour: Pale Pink

Name: Luna Galaxia
Aliases: Moon
Age: 17
Team Status: Member (Best friend of Leader)

Personality: Luna is very easygoing and loving. She's easily fooled, but can easily get herself out of sticky situations. Luna is very overprotective of her friends, and doesn't like anybody who lies. Luna is very optimistic and shines happiness throughout the group. She's also bisexual, and proud. Luna loves videogames, and has a poster of The Legend of Zelda in her bedroom.

Favourite Food: Sashimi

Favourite Memory: Going to the park with her older brother... When he was still alive. They would play on the swings, on the seesaw, and play Grounders at the playset with other inklings at the playground. Sadly, her older brother fell into depression... And later, suicide. Luna swore to protect her friends, whoever she cared about. Because she couldn't save her brother.

Headgear: Full-Moon Glasses
Clothing: Black LS
Footwear: Black Seahorses
Main Weapon(s): Kensa .52 Gal, Krak-on Splat Roller

Hairstyle: Bun
Eye Colour: Yellow
Skin Colour: Pale Pink

Name: Cosmos Nebulle
Aliases: N/A
Age: 17
Team Status: Member (Best Friend of Second-In-Command)

Personality: Hyper, yet laid-back. Says he can't do something, but he's a master at it. Cosmos is the funny, humorous inkling in the group, always bringing the other three to giggles and laughter, no matter what they're feeling. Cosmos seems laid-back and lazy, but if you do something that affects somebody he cares about, he will immediately charge up to you and demand a turf war, and oh boy, he'll go all out. Likes scrolling through r/funny or r/memes on Reddit.

Favourite Food: Cup of Noodles (He can't cook)

Favourite Memory: Getting his first quad-kill. The Orbiters were just starting out, and Cosmos wasn't very sure about everything still. But then, as he was superjumping to Orion, Orion got splatted. Realizing he had his Splashdown ready, he used it, annihilating all four. He was really proud of himself, and the other three kept spamming 'Booyah!'. He then realized maybe he can do this, after all.

Headgear: Fake Contacts
Clothing: Annaki Drive Tee
Footwear: Black Kicks
Main Weapon(s): H-3 Nozzlenose

Hairstyle: Slicked-Up
Eye Colour: Orange
Skin Colour: Lightly tanned


- They all live together in a spacious house near Inkopolis.

- The four of them have known each other since pre-kindergarten.

- Each of them have at least something wrong with either self-esteem or mental health.

- Orion and Luna sometimes wear contacts.

- Cosmos steals Callisto's wardrobe from time to time, as they're the same size.

- Cosmos and Luna sometimes sleep past 12 and wake up in the living room.

- Orion and Callisto are allergic to peanuts.

- Outside of battle, they all each have their own tentacle/eye color. Callisto's pink by default, Orion's blue by default, Luna's light blue by default, and Cosmos' yellow by default.

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