It's You....No.

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I open the envelope and start to read.

Dear Perrie,                                                                                                                                                                    I just wanted to tell you not to worry, everything is going to be okay and trust me, i will make this work, we will, i love you and i need you to trust me and promise me that you will love me understand no matter what.

With love                                                                                                                                                                          Zayn.

Wait what? what does he mean by no matter this from Zyan, but understand what, why would he tell me after he left? Shit.i went out of the room to get my phone and call the girls to come over "Please hurry" " okay okay we'll be there as fast as we can, calm down perrie" said leigh and i hung up, i had to find out what he meant by that, is there something he is hiding from me? or was it just words with no meaning, im not brave enogh to ask him, what if its bad news?.

The girls where in my flat in 10 minutes, they al sat on the couch in front of the TV while i passed back and forth with the envelope in hand. "Gah i dont know what to do, should i call him or just leave it, or wait for  him to tell me?! omg this is fucked up!" "Well perrie do you want to know or not? cuz i belive that if you dont call him and ask him you are going to be stressed about it until you explode and have nervous break down..." "Jesy is right pez i think you should call him" "i stared at them, and i guess they where right, "Okay ill be right back" "i went into my room and dilled his number, and wel to my luck it sent me to voicemail, i called again "pick up pick up pick up" i said passing back and forth, aaaand voice mail again "Hey baba i just wanted to thank you for the card, and please call me back when you get this" i went back to the living room and the girls stoped chatting, "What happened" they said in unison "Well he didn't pick up" "oh sorry pez, well you can call tomorrow yeah" "yeah..."

(Hey guys umm, im a mixer so i love Zerrie, and im not a directioner so i dont know what Zayn is like, i simply love the relatioship they have so i dont know what words he would use but this is how i imagine him to be, like kinda the perfect boyfriend, so directioners please dont kil me if it isnt like Zayn)

Zayn POV

I was on the plane, on our way to Australia to begin the worl tour, before i came i left perrie a small card....

As i was on the plane my phone rang, it was perrie, ithought she probably already read the card and thats why she was calling, i didnt want to pick up,i cant explain this to her yet.

( 3 Days before the card)

I was in my flat geting ready to go on a date with Perie, then there was a knock on the door, "Comin'" i said as i went to get the door, i opened it and it was her,  "What the hell are you doing here?" i said trying to keep all the anger inside "Well hello to you too Zayn, you know you should be more polite" No it was not Perrie, it was Her, "What are you doing here? i told you not to look for me" "Hey, dont you dare start with that, i dont follow your orders your not the boss of me" "Oh Fuck that, you agreed to not look for me because of what you did" "Woah what did I do?" "You fucking know what you did" "It was for the best, to protect him" "TO PROTECT HIM OR YOU?!" "It hurt me too okay, bu i did it for him" "Get the fuck out of my house, i dont want to see you again" "Fine, ill leave, but i cant promise anything" ''He wants to see you..." She turned around and left. How could she be back, now i have to tell perrie, how am i going to tell her?....

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