New Place!

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"That's the last box Miss" "Thank you" "have a nice day" is hut the door  and i smile "Well someone is happy!" "Yes i am, im quite excited actually, new flat, new life!" "Oh im so glad!" "thanks jade i wouldnt have done this if it weren't for you!" i give her a tight hug, "Were hereeee!" "Yay the girls are here!" i run to lee lee and jess "Ah you guys came, im so glad" i give them a hug "And we brought this to celebrate!" The show me 2 bottles of Champagne, " you want to get wasted or what?" "MAAAAYBE" "Okay, we are going to have a glass and that's it" "Sure sure" "Jess I'm serious, we have to work tomorrow and i have to put all this in place" i say moving my arms "Just tell me where the box with the glasses are" "over there" i point to a box next to the kitchen, "Alright!" she pops the champagne open and we toast "To A New Perrie!" "To a new perrie!" we drank and we all let each other fall onto the couch "So what's next for this 'New Perrie'?" "I don't really know Jess, i guess im going to find out!".......

"Girls im hungry, do guys want anything from the store?" "OOH some buscuits!" "Of course you do jade, and you leigh?" "A soda please!" "Jess?" "ummm...nah im good!" okay, ill be back!" i walk out of my new apartment and go to the elevator, i hum as i wait, the doors open and i go in, when i look up i see the most beautiful guy "Hey there" "H-h-hi" "I know you....Coffee girl, yeah" "Oh right, im so sorry about that" "Its okay, hey do you live here?" i just stare at him, "Oh i get it, you dont know if you should tell me, i know in just a stranger" "Oh, no its not that, i just moved in" i smile, my face is burning, Damn you, why do you have to be so hot "And you?" "Yeah, 13th floor" "Oh really? me too" "Well what a coincidence, neighbor" "Yeah i guess so!" "So where are you headed?" "oh just to the store and you?" "Me too!" "Well i guess we can go together, shall we?" i didnt even notice we were in the loby "Oh, right, thanks" we walk to the store in awkward silence we get there and i pick out the snaks for the girls and i, we pay and walk back to the building "So you having a party or something?" "No, well kinda, my three best friends and i are celebrating that i just moved in..." "Oh, cool..." we get into the elevator, we get to the our floor and we walk out, i stop at my door "Well this is me" i say pointing at the door "19 B" he says "yup" we stand there awkwardly "Hey, i never got your  name" "Perrie....Perrie Edwards" "Well Perrie Edwards im Ian Scott" he says offering his hand "Nice to meet you Ian" i get a funny feeling in my stomach when he touches my hand, i just look into his eyes, oh god his smile is hypnotizing "PERRIE IS THAT YOU?! IM STARVING!!" the voice snaps me out of it "Thats my friend jade, i better go" "Yeah, she sound pretty hungry!" he chuckles, OH MY GOD! could he get any, but then he chuckles "Bye Perrie Edwards" "Bye" i open my door and shut it, i press my back against it and bite my bottom lip while i smile "Whoa whoa whoa! i know that smile" says leigh and all the other girls turn around "What smile? im not smiling!" i say...obviously not stopping smiling "Oh you totally are! Perrie what happened?" "UGH! Fine, jade remember when we came to see this apartment for the first time?" "Yeah, what about it?" "Okay, we went to get coffee before that....and this gorgeous guy made me spill my coffee all over me?" "OMG yes, he was really hot!" "He lives here, down the hall, and his name is Ian" i say 'Ian' with a sexy voice "Omg Perrie, you so like him! " "Do not" "Do too" "DO NOT LEIGH ANNE!!" "Yeah yeah whatever" "You so do pez" says jade with a cheeky smile, but Jesy turns around and sits back on the couch, not saying a word, and that is Really Weird! "Jess is everything okay? you havent said a word, and usually you are the first one to start nagging me about it" "No..i-its nothing" she looks down at the floor, "Jess i know you too well for you to lie to me, whats going on?" i sit in the small couch in frint of her, i take her hand, she gives it a small squeeze "Sorry to kill the mood but...Perrie, what about Zayn?"

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