A little talk, will do you bad.

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Im raging mad, she loves him? how can she love him? its not possible that in this amount of timw she has forgotten what we had. God, why is she so stubburn, i have to do it, i need her to know that it wans my intention to hurt her, i take my phone out "Tom i need the house, 2 days."


I wish i could just get away from all this, just escape all my troubles for a few days, as i get home my phone rings, i see the ID and i think very hard if i should pick up or not, i have to, i cant let him get upset right now "Dad?".


"So i see you have succeded" "Sir, you gave me orders and i obeyed them" "Yes, thats what we do here, thats how it should be...now i need you to understand that you have to keep her away from him, its a risk knowing now who his father is, and if they rebell against us B316 could be exposed, and we cant afford that, do what ever you have to do, i mean it, its what we do best" "Yes sir".


"Hello Perrie, im just calling you to confirm our dinner in 2 weeks, i cant do this sunday" "I cant do any sunday, you think im happy, you think that after all these years i havent forgotten what you did?!" "Perrie dont start this again" "How do you want me not to start, you threaten my life and the ones of my friends, of Zayn" "Perrie i told you, i keep my word" "So what? you are going to kill whoever is in my way, or yours, just like you did to Nick" "Louise, that is none of your concern, what i do is none of your concern" "Well your 'Job' like you call it, is nothing but a sick game, have you no feelings for the people you kill? the people you threaten, you probably have killed so many you lost count, so as far as im concerned, sunday dinners are off the table." 

2 days have passed since i've seen Zayn or my father, i have ben with Ian, everyday he surprises me, makes my laugh, makes me feel loved, i just love being around him, even tho the thought of zayn haunts me, i miss the way he made me feel, its much more different than the way Ian makes me feel, i know im falling for him ,i never thought i would, but i still love Zayn, im living everyday with the fear of knowing he might disapear or be killed by my own father. 

"See you on monday girls" i get into my car and drive home, today we had a girls day, and i was so happy, i coulndt love them more, i get to the building and head in, i get into the elevator As the door of the elevator open  a man is standing right out side "Miss Edwards, there is a helicopter  wating for you-" "NO!, You go back and tell him i wont be summend" "Mam..." "Tom, Im not going" i say walking to my door and taking out my keys 

"Mr. Malik instructed me to give you this" he shows me the yellow envelope in his hand "I am just doing my job...Mam" "Ugh" i take the envelope and see, i look at the files and im speechless, i look up but Tom is gone.

I get out of the helicopter, purse in hand, i walk across the huge yard towards the beautiful house with my head held high, he stands there, i get to him "One hour" say mad  "One hour" he nods, and i follow him inside.

"It's a beautiful house, new, but built to last, the cieling is made from local wood pine, and so is the fire place, made by hand" i look behing me and admire the work "Is this where your staying?" my tone still emotionless "No, its still not ready to live in, needs a good cleaning" he says taking the sheet of the counter "Zayn what are we doing here?,your not even supposed to be in Hampshire, your supposed to be in London" "i dont see the inconvenience.....the windows are made of unstained glass made by an amazing local artist" he looks at me, i cross my arms, "My father is not a subject i discuss. Ever....when i met you, at that point in my life, i didnt even feel like i had a father, and how would i have told you, what are the right words? 'nice to meet you Zayn, my father runs the nations top secret goverment spy organization' " "Thats exacly what you we're supposed to tell me!" "Oh im sorry! i really am, i should of opened my life right up to you, insted of my legs!!" "Or how about you could have told me right after we were together, or how about after i told you i was inlove with you, how about i went and asked you to marry me?! You know who i am Perrie, Youw know everything" "NOT everything" "Everything i could tell you to protect you, but you are just a bundle of dirty little secrets!" i stare at him with tears in my eyes, not letting one fall out, i shake my head and stare at him "If i told you about him, if you knew who i was, you would have run in the other direction-" "I wouldnt have run, i would've protected you" "I DONT NEED PROTECTING! I AM NOT THE GIRL YOU SAVE, I. AM. FINE! My father runst the nations top secret goverment spy organization, ONE order and you are dead! YOUR THE ONE THAT NEEDS PROTECTING!.....I lost the baby, 'Lied to you', he is my father, I RUINED YOU!" he looks down, arms crossed and i stare at him put of breath, he turns the other way "The house has orchids" "UGH!" " 30 achers, and incredible green house just outside the kitchen" i pace next to the chimney, he walks forward "You should see the kitchen, marble counter tops" i stare at his back"STOP TALKING ABOUT THE HOUSE!" "I just.... wanted you to see it at least once" "what is this place?! WHY am I here?" i say walking to him "Why the hell are we out here in the middle on nowhere?!" he turns to me "This house is Yours...Ours, i had it built for us" hands on his waist he walks to the big glass door, my eyes just follow him "It looked like there was a chance for us,I bought the land and had it built, i couldn't really be..not famous but i could make Pasta, there are bedrooms for lots of kids, huh, this was going to be you and me starting a family, growing old together in this house" he looks around "It was supposed to be your house Perrie" I look at him, my eyes burn from the tears, his look is hopeless, his voice gets groggy trying to hold back his tears "And i just wanted you to see it Once, just once before i sell it..." he shrugs and looks at me "i wanted you to see the dream..." i run to him and kiss him, a long, lost, loving, passionate kiss, out of breath i stare into his eyes, the saddest eyes i have ever seen. I kiss him again and well, you can imagine what happened next.

Its dawn, the sky is merely blue, i get up from the floor, Zayn is sound asleep under the sheets, i put on my blouse, and pants "Perrie?" the sound of the helicopter approaches, i smile at him "That's my ride" he tosses the sheets, i turn around "Could you?" i put up my hair waiting for him to button my blouse, but his arms hug my waist, "Couldn't you stay another day?" his voice and hot breath hits my ear as he kisses my cheek "I have to go" i whisper, he keeps doing it "I have to work, and you have to work, he buttons up my blouse "Huh" "You have a fandom to run" "Hm" his hands run slowly down by back, it makes me shiver, he spins me around and i face him "What?" he holds my arms "I love you" "Zayn i really do have to go" "No, I'm sorry" "Zayn..." i stroke his cheek and he closes his eyes, i let my hand fall, i turn and take my jacket and purse, i stop at the glass door and sigh, i look back at him, he has the most lovely look, i slide the door and look back, i observe the house and look back at him, i smile and and shake my head "Don't sell the house...not yet" and i step out, i walk to the chopper.

So i know its a bit confusing, but i promise it will get better! so dont stop reading, a lot of drama coming! Comment and vote. x

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