Date night?

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"What?, how did she find out?" "I told her..." "Jess, why? how could you? we were doing this to protect her, not scare her" "I'm sorry but i had to, she got on my nerves, and after she-...." "She what?" "uh nothing...." "Jeeeess....." "She was kissing that Ian guy when i got to the apartment" "Oh my god, no! no this cant be! NO!" "i know, im sorry, but that's why i told her" "UGH! fine, i have to go, but we have to meet later to figure this out, goodbye Zayn." i hang up "The things i do for people!" 


Than night i couldn't sleep, i was just lying in the dark, staring at the ceiling "Jade?" i whisper "Yeah?" "what is wrong with me?" "What do you mean?" "i mean, i could of easily forgiven him, i could've been more understanding, but instead i just yelled at him" "Perrie you were in shock, i would have done the same thing, i mean, its not like you get your heart broken every day, its painful, and you had every right" "I don't know..." "Perrie?...what is going on with Ian?" she elbows me, i giggle "I don't know, he's cute" "Yeaahh!!" "Jade, I'm going to be completely honest with you" "Shoot" "I think i like him!" i smile, that stupid smile i do when i think of him "He's...i don't know.....different?" "No shit?! i thought that kiss was friendly!" "haha well kinda....lets go to sleep" "Nanite!" .

i wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock, "Jaaaade" i moan "Nooo...i want to sleep" "We cant, we have a meeting" "Fiiiiiineeee", we get up ,take a shower and head out to the elevator, and i see Ian when the door opens "Ian! hi!" "Good morning Edwards! i uh- thought you might want some coffee?" he says handing me the cup "Uh sure" "I thought you might be the Skinny Mocca Latte?" "Close....Pumpkin Spice Latte....but thank you" "ill just go, bye ian, wait for you?" "Yeah be right there Jade" "Bye Ian" "Bye Jade" "So i was thinking, would you like to go to dinner tonight?" "Yeah, sure!" "Pick you up at" "Okay! bye" i walk to the elevator with a huge smile on my face "What was that all about?!" "Oh nothing, i got a date tonight...." "OMG! Perrie that's great!" "yeah!" i say bitting my lower lip and smiling".

I get back home, its 4pm i have 2 that enough time? god, i start to get ready, music blasting through the house, i sing and dance, for the first time in a long time i feel, happy?. The doorbell, and i feel nervous! why? i go to open the door "Coming!" i open the door, and i see him standing there in a suit, oh lord Jesus! "Hi" "Hi Edwards, you look beautiful!" "Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself" he leans in and kisses my cheek, "shall we go?" he offers me his arm, i put my arm around it "We shall" we walk to the elevator and head out of the building, he opens his car door for me "Thank you, such a gentle man" "Anything for my lady" "Excuse me?" "I'm sorry" i giggle, he walks to the other side and gets in, " so where are we going?" "Well, i was thinking about a movie and then carnival?" "Sure! that sounds great!".

"...two tickets" "Here you are Sir, enjoy your movie!" "thank you", "So have you read the books? " "YES! i loved them, and you?" "No, but i have seen the other movies, but i have someone who can walk me through it" he takes my hand and we walk into the room and take our seats, i put my arm on the arm rest and start eating my pop-corn "So i was wondering" "Yeah..." "What exactly do you do in your dad's company?" "Hmm...well i travel all around the world and go to our wine makers and i check on production, i see how the accounts are working, i see the vineyards, my  favorite place to always go is California, the best wine comes from there" "Wow, that sounds like so much fun!" i say sarcastically "Yeah, you do the job then!" he laughs "Nah, I'm good, i like my job" "Well i like mine too, so dont criticize my work Edwards!" "Fine!!" "And what about you? what is your job like?"I think its pretty obvious!" "No, i mean what is it like in the inside, what do you like about it?" "Hmmm...well, its pure adrenaline, its come and go, you always have to be prepared, you have to be careful with what you do or say, at times it gets scary" "How could it be scary?" "Well, one..your fans are crazy, and paparazzi, its scary, and also the way that rumors sometimes get to you, but you just learn to ignore it, on the bright side you get to meet a bunch of celebrities and they know you! its amazing, and parties that you never thought you would attend to...and the Wardrobe! oh god! its to die for!" "Like you! " i blush "BUT! the best part of it, is that i have my best friends there with me, through it all, always making me happy, and when I'm on stage and i sing, its just an amazing feeling, I'm doing what i love, and to look out to the crowd and see all those people cheering for you, they are there to see you...its just an amazing feeling i cant describe, its a dream come true...." i look at him, he's staring at me with his charming smile "Wow, i never thought it would happen this fast!" "What?" "I never thought o would fall this fast for you" he leans into me and gives me a long but small peck on my lips, it takes me a few seconds to react "Either you wanted me to shut up or really wanted to kiss me" "you'll never amazes me how you talk about your career with so much passion! its astonishing" i smile "I just love what i do!" "Hey the movie is starting".

"That was fun!" "I agree, hey i need to use the loo" "Sure, i'll wait for you" i walk to the bathroom, and i get a call "PERRIE!" "Sam! hey, whats going on?" "Perrie what do you think you are doing?" "What do you mean?" "Perrie, we just got some pictures of you holding some guy's hand in the movie theater!Are you kidding me?" "SAM! as you know i am single" "No you are not, according to everybody you are still engaged with Zayn" "No, not anymore, its been 3 months Sam" "Perrie i know, but we have an image to keep" "Sam no!" "Perrie not all this is about you okay? think about the other girls, that are part of little mix too. Get out of it now!" and she hangs up "AHH!!" i scream, why? Ugh, i get back to Ian, as we walk to the car i stop and i turn to him "Ian, i- i know we were going to go to the carnival, but, there are a lot of people and i might be seen with you...look there is a car waiting for me across the street"  he looks at the car "Perrie, is there a problem with me? this already happened once, with your Friend Jade, is there something going on i should know, just tell me so i can see if i can put a bet on you...on us" my phone vibrates in my hand, i quickly look at the ID, Sam, "Ian I'm sorry, i really have to go now, but i will explain, please, you have to understand" i give him a quick kiss "Tomorrow night at Nando's 8 o' clock" i say and walk fast to the car, when I'm in a stare out the window, he stares at me and the car takes off, shit, now i have to deal with this too.

So here is the chapter on Christmas, even tho to some of my readers its already the 26th, but in my defence its 10 minutes till tomorrow so yeah! Wish Jade a happy birthday, my heart just broke a little, because she is not 22, she just auditioned for X factor, nope, no i refuse to believe it! anyway a Happy birthday to my Poopey, i love her so much and i hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas! Love YA! And Thanks for reading!

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