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"Zayn!" "Im sorry, i know i know, we're almost there, If Louis had payed attention to the directions i woulndt be late for my own wedding" "Ow! watch the hair!" i giggle "Did you slap him?" "Yeah, we're almost there, 5 minutes okay?" "Ugh fine, hurry up PLEASE!!" "Perrie?" "Yes?" "I love you". I gasp and sit on the bed, i turn on the lamp, i look at my phone, 3:00am, seriously? i moan and lay back down, putting the covers over my head, i try to fall asleep but i cant, i remember my dream, yuup, just a dream, "Why are you doing this to me?" i whisper, "Why am I doing this to me?" i start to think an play everything all over again in my head, Zayn, Ian, god, two guys i adore and love, but its so confusing , i keep thinking, i look at my phone again 6:49am ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!! i fake cry and get up to take a shower, i get dressed and leave for the studio, i look at my watch,7:30, i still have time, i head to Starbucks for a delicious coffee do to the lack of sleep last night.

After i get my coffee i walk to the park nearby and sit on a bench, i look at the space, all empty, just me, the cool breeze, the foggy ground, the sun bearñy peeking out, everything so peaceful, my phone rings and i take my phone ou of my bag, but its not ringing....its the other one, shit. I hesitate to answer, but i need to hear his voice "What?" i snap "Perrie, i know your mad at me but there's something you need to know" my heart stops for a millisecond "We captured your father-" "We as in you and your dad?" "Perrie im sorry i-" "No, no your not, i trusted you with that information, as  i did with my heart, i should have known better" "Perrie trus-....ugh just listen, we had to let him go, we couldn't keep him here, it was far too dangerous, i just needed you to know that, and to warn you, please be careful." i hang up, im so pissed right now, Jesy was right, FML! i breath and start to calm down, i take a sip of my coffee, i hear footsteps i look to them and there comes the last person i need in my life right now, i get up as he approaches the bench "Dont. Sit Down," i sigh and dit down, i dont even bother to look at him, i look straight ahead "I really dont need this right now."  "One hundred and Eighty three.....thats the number of people im responsible for killing, not the number of people i have killed, but the number im RESPONSIBLE for, the is a difference, you get an order to kill someone, while maybe you pull the trigger, but its no ON you, but THEY order it, if you didnt kill the poor bastards, somebody else would" i look at him eyebrows furrowed "But when you become Command you are THE one giving the orders, You are the one making the decisions, you have to Chose who lives, who dies, YOU are responsible, so you become.......the hand of god.....183, i know all of the names, i know how old they were, if they had children, if they would be missed, 183, i never made a decision lightly, i always suffered a bit with each one. The responsibility of that! The gravity of that! the weight of it, it marks me, it stains me, it NEVER leaves me, i AM responsible for it, 183, so however you want to punish me, how ever you want to hurt me, being the hand of god is already the worst punishment in the world, and there IS incidentally a point to all this, if there are no more white hats, and if every one you love is a monster than there is in fact someone worth saving, you want to save everyone" "Who?" "Everyone! Everyone is WORTH saving, even the monsters, even the demons, everyone is worth saving, in the face of darkness you drag everyone into the light, that is the point, at least id like to think that is the point of you, that's what your trying to do." he looks at me, i nod and bring my hand to my quivering mouth trying to not cry, he takes my hand "Am i finished being dad now? Are we done?" i nod a few times, we sit there in complete silence, "Why are you here? I know what happened" "What happened?" he starts to chuckle,he leans against the bench and turns to me "What happened? you have no idea what happened, you have no idea what is currently happening, your skipping around in a field full of bombs and mistaking them for daisy's, This, dear, sweet child, IS what happened, The married man you cant seem to keep away from, had me abducted and locked me up in chains and poke to me about the way you taste, while they figures out how to take me down, what happened was, the man you screw betrayed me by defiled you and tried to defile an organization that i gave my soul to build. THAT is what happened, what is currently happening is that Mister Zayn Javadd Malik has made an enemy, THE WORST kind of enemy, because i know ALL his secrets, i know where EVERY body is buried and the GREATEST weapon i can use against him CALLS ME DAD!" i snap my head at him " 'Uncommon Valor was a common virtue', the thing about that quote Perrie is that its from the Good ol' days, it no longer applies, today everyone is afraid, everyone should be afraid, Zayn should be VERY afraid and if i were YOU Perrie i would  be Terrified, i would pick up whatever chips you have left and RUN as far away as possible from that burning relationship you have, RUN Perrie, Because mark my words, Zayn Malik is not going to make it to the end of his tour" "You wouldnt dare!" i say looking straight in his eyes "Watch Me."  he gets up and walk behind the bench, he stops behind me "Start grieving NOW Perrie, rend your garments, curse the heavens, it will save you time, on the road, but First....RUN" And like that he walk away.

I get to the studio, i have to put on a whole different face, i know that i cant hide it from Jesy, tonight we have a show, i have no idea how I'm going to be able to do it, i feel awful, i feel like all the energy i have has been sucked put of me, everything going on with my father and Zayn and Ian, i have been going to see him every day, he still cant get out. As we finish our time in the studio we go directly to the arena to get ready for the show, After a few songs i feel better, i walk to the side of the stage to get a drink, as jesy starts speaking "So this next song is for everyone out there that is going through a tough time in love, and its a very special song so enjoy!" i run back and the song starts, we all sing our verses, i sink deep into the words of the song, when its getting to the bridge jesy elbows me softly on my side and gives a look at the left side of the stage i look and I'm frozen, its him, staring at me, pain in his eyes, its my part i look at him and sing

"So don't knock on my door and tell me you don't wanna fight

'Cause I heard it before
And I'm not going back this time
Not going back this time" i start to feel the tears burn my eyes, but i blink the away

You never brought me flowers
Never held me in my darkest hours
And you left it so late that my heart feels nothing nothing in towers
Once we were made like towers
Everything could've been ours
But you left it too late now my heart feels nothing nothing at all (oh oh oh)

Nothing at all (oh oh oh)

When you're close I wanna change my mind
But I remember you and what we're like
I don't wanna let you waste my time

And you never brought me flowers
Never held me in my darkest hours
And you left it so late that my heart feels nothing nothing at all

I feel a knot I'm my throat, i don't know if i can do my high note, jesy takes a step closer so my side and grabs my hand, she holds it tight, and gives me reassuring look, my eyes are red, they are watery, i hold her hand back and and turn to him again, i let go of her hand and grasp where my heart is, as i do the high note, i close my eyes and the tears spill, i try wiping them away but they dont stop, 

Once we were made like towers
Everything could've been ours
But you left it too late now my heart feels nothing nothing at all

the crowd is going crazy, i cant finish and jade does my other parts, when it ends the three girls hug me and the fans start to Chant "PERRIE PERRIE PERRIE PERRIE" I sob into them but try to calm down, i finally do, we have a show to do, i look at the crowd "Thank you guys, its just that song gets to us a little" they keep screaming, i look at the side of the stage and see him walking away, i sigh and instantly know what i have to do.

Poor Pezza, how are you guys liking it? if you are not liking it please tell me so i can do something about it, i think I'm only going to do like 3 more chapters and then finish it, after that start the 2nd book. Who else thinks that Towers should have been a single? I'm in love with that song! Please vote and Comment! THANK YOU!!!! xx

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