Hi, your awake!

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I feel my head pounding, it hurt really bad, i try to open my eyes but shut them imidietly, the light hurt, i squint trying to see my surroundings, i see a figure on the small couch next to me, his head is in his hands, i hear a beeping noise and notice the machine beside me, i look at my hand and see a tube attached to it, yep in the hospital, i try to sit up but fail, my head feels awful "Mmm" i moan in pain and lean back i see the figure stand and walk to me, as i focus i see its him, his eyes are red from crying and it looks like he hasnt slept " Zayn?" i manage to say "Oh perrie your awake...i was so worried you weren't going to wake up" i see a tear falll down his cheek, what the hell happened, why am i in the hospital? and then it all comes back to me. 


"Perrie i was so worried about you" he starts to walk towards me and tries to kiss me, "What are you doing?" i say putting my hands on his shoulders and stoping him "Perr..." "Zayn just dont" i say pushing him back, he takes a step back and puts his hands in his pockets "What am i doing here?" i ask as i put a hand to my forhead, it really hurts "Well, when we were at the park.....you..i...um...you were running and just suddenly collapsed and went head first" the hell? Just then the doctor comes in "Ah Miss Edwards you are awake" i give him a small smile "How are you feeling?" "Could be better, i have a really nasty head ache" "Yes well thats normal, after the hit you took..." "Yeah...." "Doctor is she going to be okay?" "Yes, its just a headache and nothing to worry about...Now i do have to talk to you both....Miss Edwards were you aware that you were 2 months along in pregnancy?" "Yes i am" i see Zayn tense up and play with his fingers "Well ..how do i put this....Miss Edwards due to the intense shock and stress breakdown you had, your body couldnt take it wich was the reason that you collapsed....and im really sorry to say this but, you lost your baby, we did every thing we could but your body did not hold up....Now, i will give you some pain killers for the head ache, and if you excuse me, ill be back later to check on you, if  you need anything just call for the nurse" he leaves and as soon as he shuts the door i start to sob, i just lost my baby, my heart just broke more than it already was, i feel his hand on my shouldet and i shake it off "This is all my fault" he says...how am i supposed to respond to that?

"No, dont say that" "Perrie it is" he takes my hand and i try to pull away but he doest let go "Why didnt you tell me? you were 2 months along and you couldnt tell me?" he says his tone a bit to angry "First of all dont use that tone with me" i snap back...which probably wasn't that necessary, "I was going to tell you, when you came back" "im sorry, i didnt mean to say it like that..." "Well there's nothing you need to worry about now, i lost it, its gone" and i star to breakdown again, i sob into my hands, then i feel his arms wrap around me, keeping me safe, how was i going to let him let go?...but i had to, he lied to me and i cant forgive him...at least not yet. "Perrie im really sorry, if it wasn't for me none of this would have happened an-" "Just stop! stop okay? im not going to feel sorry for you" he looks at me in shock, the just stares at his shoes "I..i called your mom, she should be here in a few minutes, so ill be leaving now" he walks to me and tries to kiss my  lips, i turn my face and he kisses my cheek and sighs "If you need anything please dont hesitate to ask or call" and with that he was gone, i try to take it all in, i lost my baby, i wasn't ready to be a mother yet but that doesn't mean i didnt want it, i was already looking forward to my future life, but no, that wont be anymore, and as for me and Zayn, i dont know i i can forgive him, he hurt me too badly, and its a pain i cant describe, he just broke my heart in a million pieces and i dont think it can be fixed.

A few minutes later after meditating all of whats ben happening the door swings open and i see my mother with tears in her eyes "My baby" she says in almost a whisper, and gives me a hug, "I was worried sick, are you okay? how are you feeling? it everything alight? what did the doctor say?" she says stroking my face and searching my face and body "Mom! im okay, dont worry, everything is fine, and i just have a bad headache" "Oh perrie, im so glad! " she embraces me in a hug "Hey where is dad?" "Oh he is still on his business trip, he wont be back until next week" "Oh..." "And where is you handsome fiancè?" "Yeah..about that..." my eyes start to get teary "Mom, its over" i let out a small sob "Perrie what do you mean its over? what happened?" "well...i- he- you may want to sit down" she sits in the chair next to me  and takes my hand "Whats going on honey, you can tell me" "Mom....Zayn is married" she looks at me with her eyes wide "What? well not yet i mean you guys will be soon" "No mom! he is married to another girl..and...and and-" "what sweety?" "He has a son" the color from her face drains "WHAT?!"

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