Not again.

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Perrie's POV

We get into the car and turn on the radio, we flip through a few stations and finally leave one on, Jamming to the beat, the song is over and the station conductors start to comment, 'So that was Me and My Broken Heart by Rixton' thats a pretty god song ey? So to all our listeners that are directiones and mixers, this just in, apparently Perrie and Jade where seen in a small coffee shop for a little 'girls day out', and we got hold of some pictures and it seems that Perrie has an engagement ring, its on the left hand in the ring finger, now you cant see it very clearly but it looks like 3 diamonds, so what do you think? Could Zerrie be taking their relationship to the next level? Please keep your comments commin in...and now to our next song...this is an Exclusive Song Premiere, this is 'Fireproof by One Direction' " Well that news got out quickly" "Yep, it would eventually" "Why are you so calm about this? I thought you wanted to keep you relationship private" "Well i mean sooner or later everybody was going to find out, you cant really hide the engagement ring, and well we just decided that we wouldnt tell anybody and let them  find out on their own, but i guess it got out that quick!" "Well yeah, it is the media!" "Well here we are" i say pulling into Jesy's drive way and we walk up to the door ring the bell and wait.

Zayn's POV

"Hey bud, how are you feeling?" "K daddy, but when did you get here?" Oh his little voice is like music to my ears "A little while ago, i came to check up on you, and when you get better im going to come back and we are going to have the day just you and me yeah?" " pwomise?" "Yes, i promise, but i have to go now okay? Obey mommy and be a good boy." "I wiiw" "I love you" i kiss his forehead and start to walk away "Zayn wait" i hear Veronica yell, "Ugh what?" "Did you really mean that?" "Of course i did, he's my son and i made him a promise, i dont know when ill come back from tour so dont pressure me okay? i have a lot of things on my plate right now" "Fine...oh i just have one question, does your Fiancé know" "No, and i dont plan on her knowing okay, so dont mess this up okay?" "Ugh why would i want to get involved with her?" "Well i- Wait a did you know that we are engaged?" "Well you know the media, word gets out fast" "Look im not   to going to talk about this with you, you have no bussines in my personal life, and im not going to let you fuck my new life up, like you did before, and let me make something very clear, im here for him, only for him okay?" "Yes you've made that very clear, dont worry...but you never know, old feelings DO come back" "Ugh i dont have time for you comments veronica. Goodbye." and i went out the door before i lost it, i really want to hide this from Perrie? I cant, i just cant, i have to tell her...but how? 

Perrie's POV

"hey jess!" "Hey pezza, hey jadey" "so the news is out huh?" "Yeah, i thought it would take a bit longer, but nu, but it-" my phone starts to ring, i look and its Zayn, i decline "who was that?" asks jade "Zayn." i look down "Why did you not answer?" asks jesy "Things arent very well right now" "How come, you just got engaged!" "I know but its a long story" my phone rings again and i want to decline "Pezz maybe he wants to fix things, talk to him" "your right jade, ill be right back" i give her a small smile and go to the kitchen "Hi." "Hi perrie how are you?" "Could be better" "Look im sorry i left but i had something very important to do" "Yeah that was clear, but you know what? I dont want to hear about it okay? we agreed that we would keep out of our personal things okay?" "Yes and i know yu respect that but i know this bothers you" "Oh really? i hadnt noticed at all! HA!" yeah im that sarcastic  "Perrie c'mon babe, dont be like that, i want to talk things out" "We are." "no, im not going to do this over the phone" "Fine. i'll see you at home in 10 minutes" and i hang up, i am really upset, and i have a feeling that what he is hiding is not a very good thing. I get back to the living room to the girls and throw myself on the couch "So what happened?" "He wants to talk." "Well that's a good thing, i think you are making this more than what it is" "Probably but i feel something isn't right" "Pezz jade told me what is happening and i think that its good that he wants to talk, if it was something bad he would just be putting it off to avoid telling you" "i guess that's true, but i have to be there in 10 minutes, so i will call you guys later" "Okay, drive safe,and if you need us we are just one call away okay?" "K, thank you" i leave and head out to my apartment and get there.

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