I know

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I wake up and look at my phone "ugh" its 3:00am i cant sleep, I'm uncomfortable, i feel weird, why? I look at my side and see Ian sound asleep 'Holy shit' mouth perrie what the fuck did you just do? Not too fast, i need time, and the first thing you do is sleep with Ian, god dammit!  I press my hands to my forehead, for some reason i feel guilty, i get up and go to the guest bathroom to take a bath, a long hot bath.

I lay in the water, the silence is comfortable, and i start to think, i think about my baby, how it would have been if i hadn't lost it, and then the day of the fight, i didnt remember it well because i never stoped.to analyze the situation, but i run it back.in my mind, it hurts, it still hurts, i close my eyes and i hear his voice, so smooth, calming, loving but with pain and tears "I'm so sorry perrie, i never wanted to hurt you, i would never, i love you, please forgive me" he is crying, its si real, i see him beside me but the image is not clear, its all dark around the edges but I'm not in the bathroom anymore I'm in the hospital? And then it goes black and I'm back, i remember now, i did wake up in the hospital, and Zayn was there, i feel sad, i need him, i never stoped loving him for one second, i grab my phone "James, i need a favor" "Perrie seriously, its 4 in the morning" "James you owe me" "Fine, half an hour, if your not there I'm leaving" "Thanks ill be there".

"So what brings you here at 5 in the morning?" "Its not 5 yet, well to be honest, i needed some time alone, time to think, this always made me feel better" "True, we have missed you here you know?" "I know, i've been really busy tho" "Yeah i understand, now that your a super star you forget about your best friend" "Hey" i punch his arm "You know your still my best friend" he puts his arm around my shoulders "I know, i just feel so lonely haha" "Yeah right, you are never lonely, i bet you where banging a girl when i called you" "Ah, nope, you know that's impossible" we get to the lockers and i lean to one while he opens another "Yeah yeah, i know, because your married and have a child" "Yes, and it has been the best thing that has happened to me!" i squint my eyes at him "Who would have thought that the biggest player in high school got married at 20 and has the most adorable baby, all settled down...by the way, how is married life treating you" "To be honest, its amazing" he says closing the locker and sitting down on the bench "You don't say?" "Yup, you see perrie..." he makes me sit down and pulls my feet to his lap "When you love that special someone and you decide you want to spend the rest of your life with them, its amazing, and then this little thing that you both made is there with you its just wonderful, i love my ladies!" he says with a huge smile on his face "I bet, you know, you still have the same look on your face as the day when you met Annie" "I'm a fool for her" "Aweee you are so cute when you are in love" "Ha-ha, here, size 5?" "OMG James you still have these?" "Yeah! they are yours after all" "I haven't worn these since i was like 17!" "and now you all gown up" "Hey stop! dint make fun of me!!" i say pouting "Fine" he puts the skates on and i go into the rink, i start to skate and the cool breeze hits my face, i twirl with my arms stretched out "OH how I've missed this!" 


I get to Perrie's apartment, its 7 am, i get into the apartment and go to her room and the bed is unmade, i hear noises in the kitchen, i walk to it and see Ian, oh just my luck, "What are you doing here?" i say passing him and going to the fridge "Hey, jesy right?" "Yeah, so? answer my question" "Hey, no need to get feisty, and i don't think that's any of your business" "It is, how did you even get in?" "How did you get in?" "Perrie is my best friend and band mate, i have a key, whats your excuse?" "Well if you really want to know....we had sex..happy?" "Okay, number one Ew! and two where is she?" "I don't know, she wasn't here when i woke up" "Did you try calling her or was this just a one night stand?" he looks down "I don't have her number" "Yeah, thought so" i spit at him, i call Perrie and her phone rings inside the house Oh great, "God dammit  Louise!" i say taking her phone, i go back to the kitchen "Since when was she gone?" "I don't know. like 5 maybe?" "Huh, that's weird, she doesn't wake up near that time, EVER..." "Well where could she be?" "I don't know geniuos!, im going to wait, goodbye." i walk to the living room "Im not leaving until she comes back he says sitting in the couch opposite to me, i take out my phone and start texting "Whatever" we sit there in silence, i don't even look at him "So...Yo-" i put my finger up not taking ly eyes off my phone, "As long as we are in the same room you do not talk to me" "He-" "Shush, i said no talking, c'mon!" i say in an obvious tone i text Jade 'Poopey! good morning, is Perrie with you?' 'Mornin Jess, nope, why?' 'Im at her apartment and shes not here' 'Ask lee, maybe she knows' 'kk tx' 

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