Come Hell or Highwater.

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He sits on the opposite  seat, he stares at me the whole ride, i look out the window, not bothering to look at him, my hand is on the arm rest of the door, i chew on my finger, this cant be happening "22 minutes with out making a sound....if only have had been this quiet as a child" i snap my head into his direction "What the hell do you want from me?" he stays silent, he looks out the window "Huh, we're here." the car pulls in to a huge metal structure, i get out of the car him behind me, i see a Jet "NO." "You've gotten yourself into a bit of trouble Perrie" he shuts the door "And im here to fix it" "No." "Now listen to me, you raised your skirt and opened your knees and gave it away to a man with too much power,  Your not rare, your not special, your story is no different that a thousand other stories in this town so you know how this is, first they smile and are sympathetic on your side, then you know that the people will fight for you, they'll love you into a full sense of security, and then once you belly is exposed, They will GUT you, and every one you know, and be swift a bout it, and by the time you think you should be fighting back well your already bleeding to death, and that is your beloved Zayn and fame against YOU. Who's victory do you think i will fight for, who's body do you think they will bury-" "HE WOULD NEVER DO-" "He would never" he mocks me "You and i both know that he is never in charge, His Management is in charge, management got him his fame. I know more than you could possibly imagine, about things which you cannot dream. He told you he would never lie, that he loved you AND YOU BELIEVED HIM!" he growls at me and i flinch, his stare is intimidating, i look at the floor, he takes a step closer and bends down to my level "Did i not raise you for better? How many times have i told you, You have to be what?.....You have to be WHAT?" im tearing everything i have inside me to answer this man, not my father this man, i whisper "Twice-" "WHAT?!" he shouts "Twice as good" "Twice as good as them to get half of what they have! Sleeping with that....Ugh for gods sake's! You know to aim higher, but your ex?! you have to be so in-mature?" he touches my face and i flinch, he takes a step back "The staff will be taken care of financially, your band will continue to run, money is not a problem, money is never a problem" he says going around me in circles "Money bought that plane, money bought the silence of the gentlemen that will fly that plane" he gabs my arm and guides me to the Jet "In there you will find an envelope, it contains a passport, a Swiss bank account, a go file and an entirely new identity, there is a very nice Island waiting for you at the end of the flight, you will stay there for 8 months, then i can arrange a new place for you in Brussels, Thailand if you prefer, Johannesburg, anywhere but here Pezzy until you disappear" i turn to him on the staris of the jet "I dont want to go" "Perrie, your getting on that plane, come hell or high waters,and to be clear, I am THE hell AND THE high-water."

I sit on he plain, playing this all in my head, the file in my lap, a stewardess comes to me "We will be taking off in a moment, can i get you anything to drink?" i look up at her "No thank you" i smile, she nods and starts to walk away "Can i borrow your phone?" i say a little too loud, she looks down at it  and then back to me.

"Where are you?" "Im sitting on a Jet in a runway" "Where are you going?" "Nowhere, im disappearing" "That is not an option" "It is, apparently its simple, i just get on this plane and i disappear into thin air" "Get off the plane, dont run" "Yeah, you need me here to complete your job, i know how this goes, i can run this plane in my sleep" i say looking to the cabin, making sure nobody hears me "You'll burn me" "I wont burn you unless you burn me were on he same side" "Are we? Who leaked the information Cy? who nearly killed Ian?" "I can explain. GET OFF THE PLANE" "I just wanted to say goodbye" "Perrie..." "Tell him i said goodbye" "Perrie, PERRIE!" "What?!" "If- if you disapear he'll think your dead, and he will never trust me again" "I cant trust you again" "If he thinks your dead i wont be able to help him!" i look out my window "DONT RUN!" i stay quiet "Your a monster, how could you, and taking orders from him" "Perrie dont run! I am a monster, but i am your monster, you and i wont forgive ourselves if does something stupid, and we both know he is capable of it......I need you to get of the plane my friend."

I trot down the stairs "Perrie" "Im not going" "Yes you are." Thanks for the offer but NO." i keep walking "Your being stupid about this" "I am many things, stupid is not one of them" i say with my finger up, he starts to walk behind me "Perrie you cant possibly think you are going to return to your old life as if nothing has happened!" "WHAT IS HAPPENING IS THAT I AM TAKING CARE OF MYSELF!....Take me to my Apartment!" i yell to the driver "Yes mam" i open the car door, get in and shut it , the window is partially open, my father leans down "The media and Him, WILL destroy you." "Thats what i used to think about you." i put up the window and the car leaves leaving my father standing there.

As the car pulls into the building a swarm of people surround the car, the hit it and are screaming, flashes are everywhere i cant even see, i cover my face with my hands in panic, the noise is too much, the car door opens and i jump, im scared "PERRIE" i hear that familiar voice, i grab his hand and he pulls me out, i can barely walk, Jesy takes my other hand and the pull me, we stumble but finally get inside. 

I slam the Newspaper on the table "How the fuck did this information get out!? there where no cameras here last night, i wrote down the police report with the officer and left for the hospital, how the hell is there a picture!? and even worst, FRONT PAGE!!" "Perrie you need to calm down" "How do you want me to calm down, do you have any idea what they will do to me, what will management say" "We will help you deal with what ever happens, but right now you just have to calm down" "I cant james, this is too much, i just cant....could you guys leave me alone, i need some time alone" they look at each other, "Sure" says Jesy, she gets up from the couch and they leave, i start to sob, i cant believe they could do this, My love betrays me, my friend nearly kills my boyfriend, i almost let my father disappear me from the planet, why does all this have to happen to me?.


"Sir, i have just located Elijah Pope, he is on a runway 20 miles from the city" "Great news Cyrus, we will abduct him there, warn the men" "Yes Sir" he hangs up the phone "So what now?" "We go catch that man".

I've been worried how the drill is going, im waiting for my father in a secret facility, waiting for them, i have heard no news, just them a door opens "Mr. Malik, they're here" i rush out of the room and follow the man, i can see thru the window, i go in and see him sitting on the chair, his hands and feet are in chains, i walk past him and leave my jacket on the chair in front of him "Mr. Edwards...or should i say Elijah Pope?" i look at him dead in the eye, i have to be strong even tho im terrified, i might be making everything worst but i have to protect Perrie "what kind of man are you? screwing her you know? every chance i get, and the things i could tell you, about the way she tastes...shes quite a girl" i stare at him but he just looks at the wall "talented...." "hmph...your funny" he nods "Your a funny funny man" "I am?" or should i say boy..." he looks up at me "Your a boy, you've been cuddled and cared for, pampered hugged, for you its always summer time, living is easy" i slowly walk and sit in the chair " Daddy is rich, your momma is good looking, your a Malik, you've got money in your blood! YOU.ARE.A.BOY....Im a man, i have worked for every single thing, i have worked, shouted and bled for the ground i walk on, i was the first in my family to go to college, my daughter went to boarding school with the children of kings, I made that happen, YOU just lived life and cried yourself to sleep because it hurt so bad to have so much money you spoiled untitled ungrateful  little brat, you have EVERYTHING handed to you on a silver platter and you squander it, you have the world and you cant appreciate it because you haven't had to work FOR ANYTHING! so now you have decided that the one thing that you want is my daughter, My child, MINE, what I made, WHAT I created, you could talk about what great lay she is to try to get a response from me all you want, but guess what? im am actually quite literally above your pay grade which means that i know that you believe that you are In love with her" i raise my eyebrows "As wrong as you may be-" "I AM in love with her" i say calmly "You LOVE that she is a door marked exit, you love that she is your way out, she will always be the formidably Perrie Edwards! dont use the person that i made to make you into a man, You are A boy." "You dont know anything about me" "Sadly BOY i know EVERYTHING about you...." he scans me "You disappoint me as a suit er to my daughters hand".

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