Chapter Thirteen: Dark Gaia And The Cursed Chaos Emerald!

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Scrouge is making breakfast while Dark Gaia is in bed asleep with the pink chaos emerald in his arms. Whip is helping Scrouge making breakfast at the moment.

Whip: Have you always wondered why Dark Gaia eats dead rats and missed carriaged snake eggs on a regular daily basis???

Scrouge: I read a story about the gaias. They're what makes the earth form again. Light Gaia is the good and Dark Gaia is the bad, but they're both good at heart. Dark Gaia might eat dead rats and missed carriaged snake eggs because darkness is also with death so it must fuel him since they're basically dead and it might help them... Pass??? I'm not so sure.

Whip goes back to helping Scrouge as Dark Gaia wakes up and gets out of bed. All of a sudden Dark Gaia's food burnt into a crisp when Dark Gaia walked into the kitchen.

Whip: Huh!?

Scrouge widens his eyes as Dark Gaia just stands there being shocked. Whip tries again, but Dark Gaia's food continues to burn into a crisp everytime she does so.


Scrouge: I don't know!

After breakfast... I guess

Dark Gaia, Scrouge, and Whip were about to enter the arcade, but everyone suddenly runs out of the building.

Dark Gaia: Huh!?

Vector who owns the arcade runs out of the arcade closes the doors behind him.

Dark Gaia: What's going on!?

Vector: Fire! Is everyone out of the building!?

Everyone successfully gotten out of the arcade unharmed. There's a fire going on in the arcade as firefighters comes out of nowhere to put out the fire.

After Dark Gaia, Scrouge, and Whip left the arcade

Dark Gaia: Man... That was weird!

Scrouge: Yeah it was... *Stops for a moment and thinks* Dark Gaia do you still have that chaos emerald with you???

Dark Gaia: Yeah. Why'd you ask???

Scrouge: Give it to me. If I walk passed anything and they go into flames yell stop.

Dark Gaia: Ok... Just... Just be careful out there ok Scrouge?

Dark Gaia gives Scrouge the pink chaos emerald. Scrouge thanks Dark Gaia and walks passed a tree, but nothing happened. This confused Scrouge and Whip on multiple levels. Scrouge looks at the tree very confused while Whip is also confused because when Scrouge walked passed the tree nothing happened.

Scrouge: *Mumbles to himself* Is it because Dark Gaia eats dead things???

Dark Gaia walk past the tree and the tree was about to fall on Dark Gaia crushing him to death. Whip quickly saved Dark Gaia as the tree falls to the ground. Scrouge widens his eyes at that before Dark Gaia gets in Scrouge's arms. Whip is as freaked out as Scrouge at the moment.

Whip: Ok! This is getting out of hand FAST we need a expert that knows this kind of stuff! I know who, but I need you two to trust me on this!

Scrouge: I'll try and find someone.

Dark Gaia: Scrouge! Whip obviously knows what she's doing! At least give her a chance or something!

Scrouge: *Sighs* Fine... I'll give her a chance...

Whip: Thank you! Now follow me. I know someone who might be able to help Dark Gaia.

Dark Gaia: Ok, If you say so! *Turns to Scrouge* C'mon Scrouge!

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