Chapter Fifteen: Dark Gaia Goes To School!

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Scrouge is eating a apple while Dark Gaia is trying to figure out what's 2+2. Dark Gaia thinks for a moment before he writes his answer down.

Dark Gaia: Hey Scrouge! Is my answer correct???

Dark Gaia answer for 2+2 is 2+2= Taco. Whip looks at the piece of paper weirdly before she looks at Dark Gaia weirdly.

Scrouge: *Tries not to giggle* N-no! 2+2=4 not taco!

Dark Gaia: What's a 4???

Scrouge shows Dark Gaia what a 4 is. Dark Gaia gotten even confused at what the number 4 looks like.

Whip: Ok we're sending him to school...

Scrouge: Make sure it's a very good school then...

Scrouge says that since he knew he can't fight Whip at this point. Whip looks at Scrouge annoyed.

Whip: How about YOU pick a school for Dark Gaia to go to?

Scrouge: Fine!

There's a school called Chaos High. Dark Gaia gotten interested in the high school that Scrouge found. Scrouge goes on their website and reads about it and it's a perfect high school for Dark Gaia to go. Scrouge signs Dark Gaia up for Chaos High.

Dark Gaia gets excited about this, but Whip has her suspicions about the high school Scrouge just signed Dark Gaia up to. Scrouge gets other schools up too just incase Chaos High was a bad school for Dark Gaia to attend, but sadly there's no other schools like Chaos High.

Scrouge sighs as Dark Gaia begs him to take him out for school shopping for his very first day of school. Scrouge smiles at that as he takes Dark Gaia to get school supplies.

The first day of school

Dark Gaia is walking to school with Scrouge who is currently having a hard time trying to stay calm. Scrouge hopes that no one hurts Dark Gaia. Both Scrouge and Dark Gaia made it to Chaos High.

Scrouge: Ok... I-I'll see you at the end of the school day...

Dark Gaia: *Squeaks cutely* Ok!

Scrouge: Go ahead inside.

Dark Gaia has already went inside the school building. Dark Gaia goes to his first class. The students sat in their seats with everything out. Dark Gaia gets in his seat and takes every out.

A teacher named Mr.Eevee teaches, but for some reason Dark Gaia kept throwing paper balls at the teacher. Mr.Eevee gets triggered as he stops teaching the class, goes to Dark Gaia's desk, and slams his hand on Dark Gaia's desk.

Mr.Eevee: *Gets triggered* Mister Dark Gaia! Detention no lunch as well!

Mr.Eevee was triggered enough to smack Dark Gaia's biology book down on Dark Gaia's desk before going back to teaching.

Dark Gaia: ... The [bleep] is detention???

Mr.Eevee gets EVEN more triggered before he starts dragging Dark Gaia to detention. A teacher named Mrs.Pikachu was there as she explains to Dark Gaia what detention is.

Dark Gaia: What the [bleep] am I supposed to do in here???

Mr.Charmander smacks Dark Gaia with a laptop. Dark Gaia rubs his cheek in pain.

Dark Gaia: OW!!! WHAT THE [Bleep] WAS THAT FOR!!!

Mr.Charmander smacks Dark Gaia with a laptop again. Dark Gaia rubs his cheek in pain.

Mr.Charmander: Each time you curse you get smacked!

Dark Gaia: What does the word [bleep] means anyways because I think it means enchilada in german.

Mr.Charmander smacks Dark Gaia with a laptop once again before he tells Dark Gaia the word [bleep] means. Dark Gaia then looks at Mr.Charmander in his eyes.

Dark Gaia: Oh... Then [bleep] you.

Mr.Charmander smacks Dark Gaia hard with the laptop once again. Dark Gaia continues to rub his cheek in pain some more.

The school principal named Principal Mario hears the news about what happened. Principal Mario calls Scrouge.


Scrouge was reading a book about why Sonic 06 sucks, but Scrouge's phone starts to ring before Scrouge picks his phone up.

Scrouge: Hello?


Scrouge quickly goes to Chaos High where Dark Gaia is before he wondered what happened. Principal Mario is in the principal office with Mr.Eevee who sent Dark Gaia to detention in the first place and Mr.Charmander who had to deal with Dark Gaia in detention.

Principal Mario waits for Scrouge to come into the principal office so he can tell Scrouge what happened. Scrouge walks in before he looks around nervously. Principal Mario aggressively points at a chair for Scrouge to sit in. Scrouge nervously sits down in a chair.

Principal Mario: Scrouge your bestfriend has been nothing but trouble! Dark Gaia was throwing paper balls at Mr.Eevee while he was teaching in class while Dark Gaia was using the word [bleep] thinking it meant enchilada in german not only in the middle of class but also in the middle of his time in detention! Not to mention that he actually tried to shoot Mrs.Pikachu thinking that a sniper rifle was a camera! Worst of all Dark Gaia told me that you use the word [bleep] around him whenever you get drunk!

It's true Scrouge would use the word [bleep] around Dark Gaia when Scrouge gets drunk. Scrouge gets even nervous about that because on his way to take Dark Gaia to school he begged Dark Gaia NOT to tell people that he uses the word [bleep] whenever he gets drunk.

Scrouge: *Widens his eyes* Y-yeah I d-do, but n-not when I-I'm not d-drunk! However I-I wish to know why I hear Dark Gaia whimpering! I h-heard it thro-through the vents!

Principle Mario: Oh that. Dark Gaia was being smacked with a laptop by Mr.Charmander and he told Dark Gaia on his way here with Mr.Eevee that tooth fairies aren't real.


Principal Mario: See he did it again!

Scrouge looks at Dark Gaia EXTREMELY nervous and embarrassed by what Dark Gaia said.

Scrouge: D-Dark Gaia! I t-told you not t-to repeat wha-what I s-say when I-I drink! *Quickly turns to Principal Mario still sweating nervously* I-I'm so s-sorry I t-taught him b-better I thought! Dark Gaia would usually on rare occasions that a-after he learns something a-and he would just s-stright up f-forgetting what he j-just learned the next d-day! But smacking is o-one thing tha-that I d-don't tolerate!

Principal Mario: Don't use that as an excuse! You know that it's your fault that Dark Gaia is repeating what you would say whenever you get drunk! For because of what happened today we're kicking both of you and Dark Gaia off of the school grounds! If I see Dark Gaia near this place he's going into the No Zone and stay there for a month! Now get out!

The school kicked Scrouge and Dark Gaia out of the school building. Whip was outside waiting for Scrouge and Dark Gaia to come out.

Whip: I had a feeling that sending Dark Gaia to school was a bad idea! C'mon we're going back home! Oh and Scrouge no more Icecream until next week!

Scrouge: Ok...


Word Count: 1205

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