Chapter 21

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The Don had been working in his office that was located in one of their safe houses. Together with Damian, the current advisor, he was planning and thinking on how to continue running the business. Ever since Vito became the Don, he had to use his brain and wasn't as active as he used to be in the field. It was his job to oversee everything and step in when things weren't going as they should be.

The loud and short knocking on the door made Vito look up. He answered and was greeted by the person who guarded the Don's office.

"What is it, Xander?'' Vito said.

"Louis just arrived, Don.''

"Send him in,''

Xander gave a firm nod, closed the door halfway and relayed the order to Louis. Xander always wore the same stoic expression. Nobody ever knew if the former military soldier was bored, happy or serious. After he let Louis enter the Don's office, he reverted to his statue-like posture.

"Good morning, Sir.'' Louis respectfully bowed his head.

Vito acknowledged his presence with a mere nod and gestured Louis to take a seat. While Louis was looking around him, Vito was observing him. Understanding one's state of mind and body language was a necessity. Especially since Vito could use it against him.

"I told you to build three more bars but you still have not done it,''

Louis adjusted his sitting position before speaking, "Yes, but we don't really need more than we already have, Sir.''

When Louis was done speaking he could feel his heart beating in his ears. He was very much aware of the grave he just dug for himself. Not did he only disregard the Don's orders, he also tried to argue that the order wasn't needed in the first place.

What Louis said wasn't wrong. In fact, Vito agreed with him. They didn't need to have any more bars. However, the Don's orders were absolute.

"I will decide if we need more or not and you will do as you are told,'' Vito spoke with authority in his voice.

Damian placed his hand on top of the Don's chair, "We'll get into the details tomorrow, Louis.''

"Of course, Sir.''

"You can go,'' Vito dismissed him.

"Yes, Sir.'' Louis stood up, reached into his pocket and used his handkerchief to get rid of the sweat on his forehead.

With Louis out the door, Vito and his brother were by themselves. The older brother grabbed himself a drink and seated himself on one of the chairs. Damian crossed one leg over the other and watched the ice cubes in his drink glide from one side to the other. He lifted the glass to his mouth and drank the golden liquor in one go.

Vito directed his attention to his coughing brother and watched silently as Damian got up to get a refill. When Damian asked Vito if he also wanted a drink, he declined Damian's offer.

"You should go easy on the drinking, Damian,'' He said in a stern tone.

"I am,''

You're a mess, Vito thought as he saw his brother down his second drink.

Vito lost it when he saw Damian reaching for the rum bottle again. There was a limit on how much someone could drink during work.

"For fuck's sake, Damian! You've already had two!'' Damian momentarily froze at Vito's booming voice.

Damian continued pouring his third drink and grumbled, "Cut me some slack.''

Vito clenched his jaw, "If that is what you want then sure. Go ahead, drink as much as you want. You might even have a nice reunion with Graziano. I'm sure he will be more than happy to help you with the alcohol poisoning you are going to get at this rate.''

Vito got up from the black chair and went outside to get some fresh air. He grabbed a pack of cigarettes out of his dress pants, took one out of it and placed it between his lips. He put the pack back, reached into his other pocket and used the lighter to lit the cigarette up. After a long and slow inhalation and exhalation, Vito's shoulders became less tense.

Around the corner of the building, two men were talking about women. One thing led to another and they began voicing their thoughts on the girl living with their boss. Coincidentally Vito stood around the other side of the corner and began listening in on their conversation when he heard them mention her name.

''You've never seen her?'' He sounded shocked, "You've got bad luck, man.''

The other man slowly bopped his head while smirk formed on his face, "So she got the looks. Probably why the boss let her stay with him.''

"Maybe,'' He shrugged, "I mean, I would fuck her if I was him.''

Vito could feel his blood boiling as he heard them talk. Valentina was being objectified and disrespected by them. The last sentence spoken by the man didn't sit right with him either. No one was to lay a hand on Valentina except for him.

"My break is over, man.'' He pushed himself off the wall and went back to his guarding position that was around the other corner.

"Wait,'' Vito said and the man stopped in his tracks.

The man turned his head and received a spine-chilling look from his boss. Before Vito was going to have a talk with him, he called the other man out as well. Now, the two men stood eye to eye with the Don. They quickly glanced at each other wondering why their boss called them.

"This is the last time you will speak of Valentina. Am I clear?'' Vito spoke slowly so the two of them wouldn't miss a single word of what he said.

The one standing on the left gulped and nodded while the other said yes. Vito looked at the one who didn't use words and repeated his question.

''Y-Yes, Don.''

"Good. You can go now,'' Vito said and continued smoking the last bit of the cigarette.

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