Guess wut

17 9 19

I cut my hair

And I fixed this cringe-worthy hoodie into a hoodie that looked like Tord's

(I basically just cut off the jaguar thing, that design was a mistake to fashion reality)

Also my hair is way shorter since my hair was almost reaching half of my torso

Now I look sorta boyish with shorter hair
Just the way I like it

Also there's this thing where my friend ships me with another one of my classmates just because she thinks I "liKe" him

I mean, I don't really like him in a way where I want to date him, but I just thought he was sorta cute and funny

Also I'm presenting a slideshow (I think) with my partner (friend) to the class since it's a project for English about one of my faVoRiTe books

"The Outsiders" and what could possibly be the theme be
Wait that didn't sound right

Aye but also I've been having a good few days

My scary and strict homeroom teacher praised me for being a "humanitarian or technologically proficient" for helping my classmates get to a sort of an assignment and that she'd remember about this when she grades me

I'm not saying I'm not glad

Yes, there's a grade for homeroom

Yes, there's a grade for homeroom

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